well I made wine for a couple years before I bought a allinonewinepump.com ,,
no lifting full carboys, since it is a vacuum pump it will degas like you can not even imagine with no exposure to air, , racking is not only way faster it is far less messy , if you take Steve's link to the whole house filter and buy the housing then on e-bay you can buy polypropylene filters, 5 micron for reds and 1 micron for whites, bottling so easy it aint funny, you set fill line and every bottle fills to exact same LEVEL, makes bottleing many times faster, and far, far less messy, when you buy from Steve he'll want your phone number so he can talk to you about his system, and a very nice bonus you are free after you get your system for any an all questions to call Steve, he is there for you both before an after you buy from him,,, heck I even tried to get his wife's phone number to see if she'd rent Steve out to me,, lol,, don't believe me just ask him,,, to put it to the short answer, YOU CAN NOT GO WRONG BUYING A VACUUM PUMP FROM STEVE,
I did not buy mine two years earlier ,
If you have one, sell me on the Wine Pump. What has having one changed for you in your wine making process? What's good about it? What's not so good? What does it do well? Where has it saved you time? What has your experience been? How has it changed the quality of your wines?