I started a batch of skeeter pee June 17th. SG was 1.07. By the 26th the Sg had dropped to 1.01. Everything was according to recipe at this point. On the 30th I left for a week to visit family over the 4th. With temperatures forecast in the 90's I had to throw my carboy in the "wine fridge" in the garage. I added the kmeta before I left. I was afraid it may pick up some bad bacteria while I was gone. Temperature inside was 60 degrees till today.
The SG is now 1.005. Is this close enough to bottle or is there enough active yeast to restart fermentation till completely dry? The airlock is not showing any bubbles and the yeast has droppped to the bottom of the carboy.
The SG is now 1.005. Is this close enough to bottle or is there enough active yeast to restart fermentation till completely dry? The airlock is not showing any bubbles and the yeast has droppped to the bottom of the carboy.