SG in general

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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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The kit I'm referring to is Mosti Mondiale, Malbec but this could be any kit.
Started 1/13/11.
Transferred to the secondary 1/7 SG 1.048.
1/15 SG 1.009, 1/21 sg 1.000.
1,30 added 2 teaspoon yeast nutrient and stirred.
2/7 SG 1.000, gave up racked and sulfated.
My question is, should I have warmed this puppy up, added some more nutrient and yeast and gave it another week? bk
The kit I'm referring to is Mosti Mondiale, Malbec but this could be any kit.
Started 1/13/11.
Transferred to the secondary 1/7 SG 1.048.
1/15 SG 1.009, 1/21 sg 1.000.
1,30 added 2 teaspoon yeast nutrient and stirred.
2/7 SG 1.000, gave up racked and sulfated.
My question is, should I have warmed this puppy up, added some more nutrient and yeast and gave it another week? bk

I am not sure I can follow your dates.

I assume this is the all juice kit, but it seems to me you added the yeast nutrient awfully late in fermentation (on 01/30/11 at SG 1.000???). It was to be added day 3 to 5 (5 is the very latest) at an SG of 1.040 to 1.050. Adding the nutrient as late as you added it, the yeast are not able to utilize it all (if any of it since the SG has not fallen), so most of it will be left in your wine for other future critters to eat. However, much of it will fall out during clearing.

What was the SG when you started this kit?
Did this nutrient come with the kit or did you already have it on hand? You mentioned two teaspoons.
You didn't say what temperature you fermented at, so I can't say if you should increase it or not. For a malbec, you should be fermenting at 75F or above. Once it slows, the temperature will fall, so you should add a brew belt or external heat to keep the temp to that level or a little above it.

We'd like to have some more info before we can help you much more.

If you racked and sulfited/sorbated at 1.000, the wine was not completely finished, but that's not the end of the world. I have had kits stop at 1.000. It'll have a little sugar left, but I doubt you can perceive it in taste???

It will likely be OK, as long as fermentation doesn't restart. I'd bulk age this guy for 6 months or so, so that extra nutrient will all fall out as sediment.
The kit I'm referring to is Mosti Mondiale, Malbec but this could be any kit.
Started 1/13/11.
Transferred to the secondary 1/7 SG 1.048.
1/15 SG 1.009, 1/21 sg 1.000.
1,30 added 2 teaspoon yeast nutrient and stirred.
2/7 SG 1.000, gave up racked and sulfated.
My question is, should I have warmed this puppy up, added some more nutrient and yeast and gave it another week? bk

Are you sure you weren't supposed to add the yeast nutrient on 1/7 when you racked to secondary?
Sorry about that, started 1/3/11 not 1/13/11 and yes nutrient came with the kit and I added it in the beginning as per instructions then added a dab more on 1//7/11 but should I have settled for 1.000 or tried to squeeze out some more alcohol. bk

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