Shoot thinning by professionals

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Wow, my Marquette vines are so productive I should thin them but probably won’t . I think the root system can support a large canopy. I thinned a couple rows last year and there was no difference.
That looks like two vines per eight foot section.
Yes 4' spacing. I went back and forth on 4, 6, or 8.

Had I known how vigorous they would be I might have gone to 8'.

To make it worse, most of the vines have multiple trunks.

The initial logic was to have a lower and upper fruiting zone (cover the full 10'+ of wall and fence). Unfortunately my skills and available time ended that dream.

This is about year 7 and the first year I have some grouping of upper and lower grapes.

I like the sprawling look and in the winter the tighter spacing looks better.