Skeeter Pee

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Senior Member
Jun 2, 2007
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Morn' all

Is anyone making this 'skeeter pee' i have been reading about? Sounds interesting - think i will get a batch going - - - -


is it as good as it sounds?

it's great.. a fun one to do and a good summer drink !!
I have a 6 gallon batch clearing right now and started another one last week that I added two cans of raspberry/apple concentrate to it. Julie holds the throne as the Skeeter Pee Queen!
I just started a batch last night. I think I may have pitched the yeast starter when the must was too warm, as there were no signs of fermentation this morning. (This is my first non-kit wine.) I'm not following the recipe exactly - PAwinedude suggested some modifications in the recipes forum - I don't have a slurry from another wine right now, so trying it by starting the fermentation without the lemon juice, and then adding it once things get cooking!
How warm is too warm do you think. I usually get mine going around 80* and at that temp they start up fast.
Hi MamaJ

What modifications did you do to the skeeter pee? could not find any reference from PAwinedude. I, too, do not have any slurry but did pick up what i need to get started today.

How long did it take to start by just sprinkling the yeast on top?



There are a ton of posts at various forums on the internet for skeeter pee.

I made some suggestions for MamaJ because she had no slurry.

Follow the original recipe to the tee....EXCEPT, don't add the lemon juice initially.

Make everything up in the primary

Get the heat up to 75-80 degrees

REHYDRATE the yeast in approx 2 oz water at 105 degrees for approx 10 mins....include some nutrient (either in the same container as the yeast, or in the juice or must. I know, technically its not must.

Get a good temp measurement on the must

Stir up the hydrated yeast and then pour in to fermenter

Fermentation should begin like normal 24 hours or so if not sooner

Once the fermentation is rolling I would add one bottle of lemon juice at a time.

Don't forget the energizer....

Stir this daily throughout fermentation

From the other posts, I have read, you are one of the experienced guys here, so this will be a breeze for you

hope this helps
PAwinedude said:
Get a good temp measurement on the must
This is the step I missed! I've never made wine not-from-a-kit. I pitched my yeast way too early. I think the must/sugar water was way, WAY too hot. Like it was almost boiling when I put it in the bucket, and then added some more warm water to it. 24 hours after pitching yeast, absolutely no action to speak of. I think I killed my yeast.

Luckily, I had the foresight to get an extra packet of yeast. Mixed up a starter, it's been bubbling for about 2 hours now. Temperature of my must is about 78 degrees now so I'm going to try again.

Like you said, PA, if I screw up, it's just a bunch of sugar water going off the back porch at this point. Better to learn stuff like this on this one, rather than on something pricier!
Thanx PAwinedude

Lookin' forward to starting this 'pee'.

here's to ya!!


Well, here's my Skeeter Pee a'goin!!! Started SG 1.07 and the 3rd day it is 1.04 and I added the last bottle of the lemon juice. Fermentation is going well - Since i did not have a slurry I started my yeast separately and withheld the juice. After the 'sugar water' started to ferment I added the juice one bottle at a time. Great smell (nose ??) and a fun project. Will rack into carboy when it his 1.03 or 1.02.

More later

Looks great! Keep a close eye on it - when I added my last bottle of juice along with the nutrient and energizer, it went like gangbusters. I wanted to rack to secondary at 1.02 but it was at 1.01 before I even knew it!
You don't need a slurry ust get a good starter going, I would suggest a slurry for the simple reasons that the sp takes on a very slight taste of the slurry you have made. Elderberry slurry so far is my best.

To serve sp here are some options that I have tried and really like, chilled, poured over crushed ice with a slice of lemonand as a winearita, I have salted the rim of a wine glass, filled with crushed ice, and added a slice of lemon.
It's done and wow does it taste good.

Gonna bottle tomorrow - wine bottles, I guess.

Going to serve in a wine glass with crushed ice and salt around rum. Maybe a sprig of mint if i can find some.

a photo later.


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