Skittle Wine

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Mine never's still in the carboy. I also colored it with red Kool aid so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
It blows me away looking at Daves Skittle and how clear it is. I am still getting floaters. I may try hitting it with super kleer. I wonder if Dave filtered his to get it looking so great. Mine sure does smell like skittles.

I talked to one guy today that made a skittle Vodka. There are recipes out there.
Rick so you bottled it with that weak milky look?

It wasn't milky just dark. The taste is great if you like sweet stuff. I only made a gallon but maybe next time I'll make more and let it sit for a year or so racking every few months.
I got floaters when I made my one gallon batch, but didn't get any in my 6 gallon batch...........weird. It hasn't dropped any sediment since I racked it 3 weeks ago, so I might just bottle it this weekend. I'll take pics though and show you all what mine look like. I honestly don't even really care if it is clear........It still tastes awesome!
This is a photo of my Skittle. Is this basically what everyone elses looked liked?

I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. My Skittles wine looked like pink cream for many months. I tried the Super Clear and it had no affect. I was also trying to clear a Pumpkin Spice Wine and talked with my local Hop Shop. He said it may be starch that was keeping it from clearing and recommended Amylase Enzyme. I treated both and the Pumpkin cleared in a few days. Not so with the Skittles. I waited a month and tried the Super Clear again. The pink "crud" fell to the bottom in marble size balls in less then an hour. It left the beautiful red wine that you see in the picture. Yes, I did run it through a #2 filter, but it really didn't need it. The only explanation I can come up with is that the Skittles may contain starch, and it was keeping it from clearing. It's been in the bottle for a month now .... Is it time to "break one open"? :i
Just started a 5 gallon batch. Did you all start with a yeast starter or just sprinkle in the yeast?
Pictures as promised! The gallon jug on the right was my first experimental batch, it cleared nicely and ended up being a golden yellow color. The 5 gallon carboy on the right was made the same way, except I also added bentonite to clear as well as Super Kleer. I didn't get the fluffy floater in the large batch (that had the additional bentonite added) that I had gotten in the smaller batch, so I think it may have helped a little bit. I added 5 packages of red Kool Aid for color, and this is what I got. It hasn't dropped any sediment in a few weeks, so I'm just going to bottle as is.

This was my Skittles wine 10 minutes after I put the Super Clear in. As I said, the must was Pepto Bismal pink and then it fell in marble size balls to the red you see in the bottle. It was absolutely clear in less then an hour.

Skittles Wine - Clearing.jpg
Hello eveyone,
I guess I will start off by introducing myself, as I have been lurking around for over a year now, my name is Darcie and I am from maine. I have made a few batches of wine and I am hoping to improve over time. this skittle wine sounds interesting and I think I am going to give it a try. My question is did some of you use concord grape juice while others used white grape juice, or is it just by chance that there is a color difference?
Hello eveyone,
I guess I will start off by introducing myself, as I have been lurking around for over a year now, my name is Darcie and I am from maine. I have made a few batches of wine and I am hoping to improve over time. this skittle wine sounds interesting and I think I am going to give it a try. My question is did some of you use concord grape juice while others used white grape juice, or is it just by chance that there is a color difference?

I used white grape juice.........however I would imagine that the concord would give it more color.......that's a good idea! :)
well I started my skittle wine last night and I pretty much followed what Dan did; I used 6.5 pounds of skittles and 7 cans of white grape juice. I dissolved the skittles and waited for it to cool then I added the juice and water to make 6 gal. I checked the sg and it was at 1.075 without adding sugar, so I added 2 lbs and it which brought it up to 1.090, my question is does the seem okay or could the reading be off? I only worry because it seems that many of you had to add alot more sugar. I don't see any real signs of fermentation this morning but I checked the sg and it is at 1.080.
I'll be waiting to hear from others also. I only had to add a couple of pounds to get to 1.90. If I would have added 2lbs per gallon sheesh rocket fuel or very sweet in the end.

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