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I will apply some kind of oak to this wine (currently to be determined) and will likely bottle in 3-4 months from now. My intent is to have monthly samples until I bottle to see how it progresses. I normally bulk age for a while, but limitations on carboy space are demanding that non-blended wine get put into the bottles sooner.

Wade - Thank you. I'm guessing that individual sale would depend on the shelf life of the grape pack product, but I'm with you - I'd love to see little 'booster' additives available for kit winemakers to help bridge the large gap between kit wine quality and grape wine quality.

- Jim
I would love to buy this stuff on it's own.... I'm with Waldo on the idea of throwing it into one of my Ports.
Im pretty sure Heron Bay was selling them but they had a problem with them. I have seen 2 bags of them hanging on a wall at 1 of my sort of local suppliers and asked the guy about how they are still there but he was just a worker there who didnt know all that much. Im betting they are over 2 years old. It was a dried pack.
Have you tried the Hungarian Jim? I am becoming a big fan of it myself. To me it imparts a smoother oakiness essence to the wine. I have used some that impated the oaky character but it was pretty ...well......not really bitter but my brain wont cooperate with my vocublary this morning
I am looking forward to trying the Hungarian in my Red Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon. Also to oaking post fermentation.
wade said:
Im pretty sure Heron Bay was selling them but they had a problem with them. I have seen 2 bags of them hanging on a wall at 1 of my sort of local suppliers and asked the guy about how they are still there but he was just a worker there who didnt know all that much. Im betting they are over 2 years old. It was a dried pack.

Wade, you're right it was Heron Bay and they discontinued the product because of the vegetable smell it left behind. Boy I would sure NOT like to see anyone get a hold of those packs. Not only is the product old, but it was bad when it was new. Blah ........
Waldo said:
Have you tried the Hungarian Jim? I am becoming a big fan of it myself. To me it imparts a smoother oakiness essence to the wine. I have used some that impated the oaky character but it was pretty ...well......not really bitter but my brain wont cooperate with my vocublary this morning


I have used Hungarian oak and it is smooth as you note. I have a Hungarian oak barrel and I've used cubes as well. As I have a drawer full of oak cubes and no room in the barrel queue currently, I'll probably toss a few cubes in there (to be determined). I do notice that the cubes/chips/dust leavea distinct taste in the wine for about a year that the barrel doesn't, so I tend to steer away from the cubes when I can.

- Jim
Another point of note - while the grape pack was applied without a muslin bag, I noticed a large amount of pulp in the yeast sediment when racking yesterday. I had sulfited initially to stop yeast activity but had waited to rack since the sediment levels seemed a bit high/fluffy. The extra time helped to let the sediment pack a little, although it was still rather fluffy when I got down to it with the auto-siphon. However, it is very important to note here than when I siphoned off the wine from the sediment, I was able to fill an Italian carboy (~31 bottles worth of wine) to the brim and had just a tiny amount of wine left. This I tossed as it had the fluffy pulpy sediment in it and would have needed more time to settle out.

Just a little update,

- Jim
I racked this into a French oak barrel yesterday and noticed that like the CellarCraft kits, there was an 'oily' kind of residue at the top of the carboy. It reminded me just like the CellarCraft grape pack results.

The remaining sediment that was left behind after transfer to the barrel smelled quite nice - dark fruit. Sometimes that residue isn't so pleasant, but not in this case.

Anyone using the Mosti AllGrape packs be prepared for a possible small amount of oily residue after fermentation is complete.

- Jim

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