soapy taste after filtering

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Same for me, everything is in a closet dedicated to wine making equipment. This little Buon Vino filter worked so well for 15+ years I had blind faith. Take the burn and learn. First, taste and smell the soaking water. Second, run water through the filter to taste and smell. Third, order filters periodically, date, label with suppliers name and bag. Thats all for now.

welcome to WineMakingTalk
I joined this forum for this specific post. I thought I was losing my mind.
I sent an inquiry to More Wine to see what they had to say.
the perfume in soaps are aggressive, I wouldn’t expect to recover the wine, at best dilute 50% in a fruit juice sangria. :(
Is there any chance some of these filters might have recycled content? That has contaminants to the point my county is having trouble selling paper. Just one soap wrapper could make a bin stink horribly, the fragrances used in many items are ridiculously persistent.
This thread is what turned me off when looking at filters, no paper or cellulose types. I ended up finding an AllInOne pump and polypropylene whole house filters.
In the US market we can buy feedstock based on recycled content. Due to the risk of contaminants that create brown color or existence of shiny plastic fragments it is unlikely to have any recycled material. ,,,,, In the scheme of things virgin material is cheap and there is no shortage of virgin paper pulp.
Is there any chance some of these filters might have recycled content? That has contaminants to the point my county is having trouble selling paper. Just one soap wrapper could make a bin stink horribly, the fragrances used in many items are ridiculously persistent.
This thread is what turned me off when looking at filters, no paper or cellulose types. I ended up finding an AllInOne pump and polypropylene whole house filters.
I may have had the slight soapy taste come through on a petite pearl that I sterile filtered with the #3 pads. I did 1 carboy with the #2s then #3s. I have a hint of soap in that wine. (I thought I did it). The unfiltered wine is fine. I’m switching to cartridge filters and will just use my bon vino mini as a pump only.
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I wish I found this thread before. I just dumped a carboy of Amarone down that drain because the vinbon #2 filter destroyed what was a very good wine. After filtering it was like drinking the drain water from my laundry machine. Very disappointed. I will never filter my wine again.
Luckily, I haven't had any problem (this far) with my No2 pads. Any chance that you who had problems have taken notes of the affected batches? InkedIMG_2124_LI.jpg
I just purchased a Buon Vino Mini Jet wine filter pump - and, based on this thread, I’m afraid to use it. Has the soapy taste problem been resolved? Can anyone recommend a “sure fire” place to order good filters? Or a “sure fire” cleaning process to avoid the soapy taste problem? I assume people are using this system with good results… Any thoughts are greatly appreciated… Thanks!
Luckily, I haven't had any problem (this far) with my No2 pads. Any chance that you who had problems have taken notes of the affected batches? View attachment 79479
Hej! Yes, I did and provided the manufacturer of the pads with the info. The person said he tested from his end and didn't find anything wrong with them (based on the batch numbers provided) so he left it at that. He also indicated this was a really old thread and that there were no more problems. Really frustrating, but I've tried other pads (Buon Vino #2) from different batches/stores and they've been fine so far. I do, however, do a smell and taste test prior to filtering. It was suggested by another follower to use non-paper pads, which I still may look in to.
I just purchased a Buon Vino Mini Jet wine filter pump - and, based on this thread, I’m afraid to use it. Has the soapy taste problem been resolved? Can anyone recommend a “sure fire” place to order good filters? Or a “sure fire” cleaning process to avoid the soapy taste problem? I assume people are using this system with good results… Any thoughts are greatly appreciated… Thanks!
It's a really great unit. It's the Buon Vino brand pads (#2's) that seem to consistently be the problem. It's not cleaning process that is the issue; it's the pads themselves. Fresh out of the bag. You can't smell anything through the wrap but definitely you'll know the smell when you soak the pads in water. If you do come across this odour (smells like a heavily perfumed dryer sheet or fabric softener), don't use them as it will affect the wine. Take them back to the store where you bought them for a refund and try another batch. If they don't have a different batch number, go to a different store. Hope that helps!
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I just got done finishing a Winexpert Chocolate Raspberry Port kit , I took a sample before I racked off to bottle, it tasted great, good and clear, ready to go. I screwed up, got the racking cane to close to the settlement ( really dark hard to see end of racking cane). Had everything set up to bottle, so I decided just to filter it instead of putting it back into a carboy to let it settle out. BIG MISTAKE, after filtering the port it had a odd taste like soap. I have a Bron vino minijet system I ran sanstar through the filter pump and hose, presoak the filters in a dry white wine, and sanitized the racking bucket it was filtered to. Any ideas on what caused this soapy taste? I’m besides myself, paid $110 for this kit, tasted very good now taste like soap.Thanks
Sounds like the good ole fashioned "kit wine taste" to me
It's a really great unit. It's the Buon Vino brand pads (#2's) that seem to consistently be the problem. It's not cleaning process that is the issue; it's the pads themselves. Fresh out of the bag. You can't smell anything through the wrap but definitely you'll know the smell when you soak the pads in water. If you do come across this odour (smells like a heavily perfumed dryer sheet or fabric softener), don't use them as it will affect the wine. Take them back to the store where you bought them for a refund and try another batch. If they don't have a different batch number, go to a different store. Hope that helps!

Are you aware of any other vendors for good consistent filter pads?
I ruined another batch of wine using a Buon VIno with older #2 filters. Soapy as ever. I should have tasted the water I ran through first. I have used this machine and filters (different batch) in the past with great results. I smelled the filters before using them, and no hint of soap whatsoever. Oh well, into the still with this one....
I ruined another batch of wine using a Buon VIno with older #2 filters. Soapy as ever. I should have tasted the water I ran through first. I have used this machine and filters (different batch) in the past with great results. I smelled the filters before using them, and no hint of soap whatsoever. Oh well, into the still with this one....
Toss it! That was a lesson I only had to learn once.
I ruined another batch of wine using a Buon VIno with older #2 filters. Soapy as ever. I should have tasted the water I ran through first. I have used this machine and filters (different batch) in the past with great results. I smelled the filters before using them, and no hint of soap whatsoever. Oh well, into the still with this one....
Use it for fruit fly traps.
The acid in your raspberry wine is pulling chemicals off of the filters. Next time add acid blend to water and pump it through the filters. That way the filter chemical doesn't get into the wine.

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