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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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I see that FVW has the MM Meglioli LE Rojo Intensio on closeout with a deep discount[FONT=&quot]. I did this kit last year and bottled it after 3 months in carboy and three months Vadia barrel. Bottled it in Oct. of 2011. I have to say that I was sorely disappointed in it the whole time I was aging it and each time I tasted a split. Only in the last couple months am I thinking it is decent, maybe even almost good. When booked it last year (LE) I read great reviews and comments about it and George was big on it. Since then I have sworn off MMMegs, read my rants on other threads.

My question is has anyone made this kit and waited out the two or three years for it to mature. And if so was it worth the wait? Was the mature wine superior to MMR's and CC Showcase? It's so hard for me to pass up such a good deal. Please someone throw some water on this fire. :mny [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
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If I hadn't just stocked up on 3 other kits to follow my frozen juice, and I had another carboy or two, I'd be all over this deal too. I did get RJS' RQ Toro that's on close-out special now too, so I didn't miss out on all the good deals. The MM Meglioli Barolo was hands-down superior to MM Alljuice Barolo when I compared them head-to-head a few weeks ago, both with 1.5 years+ aging on them. I would definitely go for this Meg kit for ~$147 (with 5% FVW discount) over the MM Ren or CC Showcase Cab-Shiraz blends for $112, but that's just me. It's your money! :p
So has anyone made this kit and have comments on it at maturity?