Soupin up some peach wine with peach brandy

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Senior Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Well, I think I am. I have almost six gallons of peach wine that has aged about a year in a carboy and a gallon jug. I am pretty sure it needs backsweetened. I have not tasted it lately but I think fruit wines need sweetening.

I was going to take one gallon of it and mix with 750 ml of commercial peach brandy and bottle in 375 ml bottles.

I know I need to taste test it before I do but I would like your experienced opinion on how that would taste. Anyone ever done that before.
since most brandies are made from wine, I would think so...
also to make a port wine, requires the addition of brandy, usually during fermentation...
ask the pros here..they will know...I am fairly new wine maker.
I've read about someone doing this but don't remember the details. The brandy would really fortify the flavor. I think you should taste your wine first and decide what it needs. If the flavor is good, you could just use sugar. Put some of the wine in the sugar and microwave until dissolved.

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