South Atlanta

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Mar 27, 2012
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We're new to winemaking and have our second batch of homegrown muscadines almost ready to bottle as well as some other fun wines. I took a very basic winemaking course from a GA winery. I learned much in two or three hours but not enough!

Our first muscadine wine had a "tingle" to it. Since visiting the site I now know about degassing wine! I'm sure I will learn much more than I can contribute at this point.

By the way, I am the female of our house and I make the wine (pick the muscadines all the way to bottling). It seems I am outnumbered greatly by the men!
Welcome to the forum. We have a lot of ladies on the forum. They all get special attention. Guaranteed. Good luck with your wine making. I think you'll like it here. :b
Welcome to the insanity :db

Good to hear you learned about that tingle being Co2 trapped in the wine

Hope to see ya around

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