No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
You pressing on that rug too? 
You know garages and back patios make wonderful places to do this kind of stuff! LOL
Down here near hell, the high temps are still hitting the upper 80's, ranking up with the warmest October / early November on record. Although we purportedly have a "cold" front coming for the weekend, my first pressing will be prior to that, A/C work for me when the temps are like that!!! Might be able to do the garage by the time the bigger batches of cab are ready on Saturday / Sunday.
I believe the technology exist to cool down that patio or garage for a few hours!
Been doing lots of mental gyrations, talking to some winemakers in CA and two here locally, and came to a decision. A little under 2/3 of the way through AF and under 10% ABV, tonite I rehydrated VP 41 with Acti ML and inoculated all of my wines. Hit them with the second dose of Fermaid K just before, and OptiMalo afterwards. Feeling pretty good about the timing and giving this the old college try.
Nice you are willing to take the hit for the rest of us. Will be watching with anticipation of it working like clockwork!
Take a chromatography. (wishing I was in the habit of doing that at the start)
Sounds like you'll be getting ready to press!