Wade, would either of these be what you were looking for?
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Posted: 17 February 2007 at 10:34pm</TD></TR>
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<DIV =msg style=": left; OVERFLOW: auto">You don't not have to worry about using chitosin if you have a shellfish allergy and Tim V. discussed this in great detail last year at Winestock. Here is a quote from him summing up the facts:
"Lawyers make us put the shellfish warning on. Chitosan can't hurt you. Allergies are predicated on the presence of a foreign protein, and chitosan is protein free.
Essentially they take lobster and shrimp shells and boil them in sodium hydroxide (lye), filter and neutralise them, and then boil them in S-H again. Fractionated and powdered after that, it's actually a very complex form of sugar, so can't provoke allergies.
Our production manager, Larry, is in the same boat as your wife. He can't come with us into seafood restaurants because the steam coming off a pot of boiling crabs sends him into anaphylactic shock.
He can drink chitosan."
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<DIV =msgSignature style=": left; OVERFLOW: auto">Serving the Lord in Hope Vally RI </TD></TR></T></TABLE>
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Posted: 12 January 2007 at 9:39pm</TD></TR>
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<DIV =msg style=": left; OVERFLOW: auto">Super-Kleer contains Kieselsol and Chitosan
Kieselsol is a proprietary name for a fining agent belonging to the class of silica dioxides and has an action very similar to that of bentonite. Silica dioxides electrostatically bind with positively charged proteins in wine and initiate flocculation and settling.
Chitosan is a non-proteinaceous fining agent, a polysaccharide of the Sucrose Polymer family. It is derived from chitin extracted from ocean shellfish, the same organic material that makes up fingernails and human hair. It works by a process of molecular adsorption, where the Chitosan has an electrical charge, which attracts oppositely charged particles clouding the wine, binding them and pulling them out of suspension.
It s also used as a food additive and dietary supplement. Although it is derived from shellfish, there is absolutely no danger of any allergic reactions to the product, as there are no allergens left after the Chitosan is processed.
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<DIV =msgSignature style=": left; OVERFLOW: auto">Serving the Lord in Hope Vally RI </TD></TR></T></TABLE>