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After having such wonderful spring weather and being able to get a good start on cleaning up the yard...we have had a few dreary cool days with rain showers....kind of snaps you back to reality...This is Northern Minnesota and it still is March...

Now we are expecting heavier rains...[which is good], then another cold spell and snow flurries.....how fickle the spring weather is....
Woke up to thunder and heavy rain and wind. But we really need it. Can't remember when it rained last. Will give me an excuse to clean house. If I can get myself off the computer...so much to learn.

Weather has been great for my plants. One of them grew 3 inches in a week.

rgecaprock said:
Woke up to thunder and heavy rain and wind. But we really need it. Can't remember when it rained last. Will give me an excuse to clean house. If I can get myself off the computer...so much to learn.

Weather has been great for my plants. One of them grew 3 inches in a week.


Heard there was tornadoes in Huston this morning...thought of you...hope it passes and only leaves puddles of much needed rain.
I think it has pretty much passed through, just steady rain now, kind of a nice change.

rgecaprock said:
Woke up to thunder and heavy rain and wind. But we really need it. Can't remember when it rained last. Will give me an excuse to clean house. If I can get myself off the computer...so much to learn.

Weather has been great for my plants. One of them grew 3 inches in a week.


I hope that rain waits until tomorrow to get here. We are boiling crawfish this afternoon. It keeps clouding over looking like a storm and then clears up. Hope we can stay rain free until at least tonight.


I know that is going to be fun....how many lbs are you cooking? This was ours last Easter.....Yumm!!

Take PicturesEdited by: rgecaprock
rgecaprock said:

I know that is going to be fun....how many lbs are you cooking? This was ours last Easter.....Yumm!!

Take Pictures

I am going to boil up about 100 pounds. 3-4 sacks. Heading out the door now to pick them up.

Okay, the season has officially begun at our house as our dog has had
its 1st skunk spraying 5 minutes ago. Last year was 4 but they were 1
right after another. It was almost a weekly thing. Within a month and
1/2 he received those sprayings and they were all at different times of
the day and Im an animal lover but I was out in my backyard with my
shotgun after 3 times and didnt care aboutany town ordinabce!
You would think he would learn his lesson.
<DIV id=sbsmilie_26 unable="true" ="sbsmilie">

Wade, where are your pictures...do you have a camera?

Edited by: rgecaprock
Pictures of what? You cant see the stink that is eminating from this
mut but you can probably smell from there! Peroxide, baking soda, and
dish detergent is the best way to get rid of it but nothing but time
really gets rid of all of it. All together this makes #9 for him in 5
years and this combination works the best. The 1st time was at 10:00 at
night after we spent the whole day at Mistic seaport and aquarium and
were dead tired, let him out to go to bathroom and poof!. I went to the
grocery store and bought $40.00 worth of douches and a pizza and you
should have seen the look I received from the register clerk! Ive tried
the tomoto juice, skunk away, just about every recipe on the net and
wives tales and this is the best, but everytime the dog gets wet it
shows the smell again for probably about 2 months.
That would be evidence against me for when I really do shoot either the
skunk or the dang dog! Ill take a picture of my wife washing the dog
tommorow as I did it the last 3 times and its to late to do it now as
the suns going down. so hell reside on the deck tonight.
I used to have a pet skunk when I was a kid. We found a bunch of them when they were Babies, the mother abandoned them for some reason. We watched from a distance for a day and she never came back so we took some to the shelter and we kept 2, 1 for me and a friend kept the other. I never had him descented, but did have his distemper shot. What a great pet, loved to walk, swim and watch TV. They are so cute, I wish I could get another one.

I know a tomatobath from fresh squeezed tomatoes works to get the smell out Wade............... I least that what my Father did one night when he came hoe in the middle of the night and scared the poor thing do death.Edited by: jobe05
Jobe, please tell me he didnt scare the hell out of it inside the house!
My neighbors must hate me by now.

2:00 am........... Middle of the Kitchen...............

No one ate breakfast the next morning.......... or lunch, or dinner........

Luckily (I guess), it was summer so everything was opened up to air. I had to pick enough tomatoes out of the garden to fill the tub about 1.2 way up, which took about 4 bushels. I reember stomping them down to break them up, then my father soaked in it for what seemed hours. When he was done, I had to scrub the kitchen with the tomatoes, then scrub the kitchen from the tomatoes. It took days to get the smell out.

But it gets better......................

My father got so pi$$ed he gave the skunk to my uncle..................

My uncle "use" to raise chickens......................
Try this!

I used vinegar to get the skunk smell out. The ingredient that does the work is the acetic acid in the vinegar. (It has a higher percent of acetic acid than tomato juice, so it works more effectively). I soaked the dog's coat down with vinegar for a few minutes, then shampooed him, and the smell was gone. Just be VERY careful around the eye area.

Works everytime.... Had to use on my dogs and cats..... I Had some mean a## cats, would fight with every skunk alive !
We had spring like weather in March....now it's April, got snow on April Fool's day and since then more snow, windy and cold...hard on the morale...

Went down to the laundry room to check on my meager seedligs....Some were in dire need of transplanting...


Got some transplanted....Hot peppers, Eggplant, Tiny Tim Tomatoes, Tomatillios, Flowering Cabbage, Hollyhocks, Coleus, Cress, Cone Flowers...etc....I just do enough for us, and a few extras...


Now they are tucked back under the lights....


Time to plant more seeds...boy I am just a sucker for flower seeds...I think I have enough flowers, but still pick up seed packs...

Need to plant the main crop of tomatoes real soon, as well as a tray of lettuce to set outsdie...and....and...etc.......Was planning on planting some spinach seed outside under a tent, had the soil all prepped...then this snow........

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