Spring has finally come for a few days!

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Mar 1, 2009
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These are some pictures of my yard and gardens...





Really, really nice Dan. I love the pictures, the deck and the patio. I think the patio would be my favorite spot to sit and enjoy some wine or beer.
Thanks Rich, we just finished a few burgers and beers on the deck. This afternoon we went out plant shopping and also picked up a nice fountain for next to the patio and some fish and plants for the two liliy tubs by the fire pit on the patio.

Mike I was originally going to go with patio paver's but they were going to be 6X the cost of what I have into it now to have it done. It is not stamped. I don't really care for stamped concrete as it would not be conducive with rockers and if the pad cracks, it really looks bad. I did all the excavating and everything else except setting the forms and pouring the concrete. After four years, no cracks! I also ran conduit under it from one side to the other with one piece coming up dead center in the patio just in case if I wanted to run power later. The piece in the center in case 10 years from now we would like a fountain in the middle of it. As it turns out I did run power last year to the other side. It sure pays when you do things yourself to think about "what if" down the road.
Beautiful, Dan. Can't wait to sample a few at your new table next weekend. Keep the rain away.
Very impressive Dan. You and I have the some of the same floral interests.You appear tohaveirises and peonies, although they seem a variety that I am not familiar with. Is the tree beside the shed a flowering almond? That would be my guess. Nice work on the patio and stone walls.
Thanks Rocky, that is a trial colored beech and the one on the other side of the shed by the stone walkway is a Buckeye chestnut. Besides the peony garden we also specialize in day lilies, Heath and Heathers, hostas and dwarf conifers.
Was watching one of those DIY backyard makeovers and they were putting in a patio. After the concrete was poured and leveled off and slightly dry, they just threw down some dry cement by hand and then layed a heavy tarp over it then used a flat tamper on top to tamp the tarp down lightly. The result was amazing the concrete was basically smooth with random crinkle lines running through it giving it an "old world" look. Your patio looked just like it from afar.

Beautiful spot of heaven on earth you have created!

runningwolf said:
Mike I was originally going to go with patio paver's but they were going to be 6X the cost of what I have into it now to have it done. It is not stamped. I don't really care for stamped concrete as it would not be conducive with rockers and if the pad cracks, it really looks bad. I did all the excavating and everything else except setting the forms and pouring the concrete. After four years, no cracks! I also ran conduit under it from one side to the other with one piece coming up dead center in the patio just in case if I wanted to run power later. The piece in the center in case 10 years from now we would like a fountain in the middle of it. As it turns out I did run power last year to the other side. It sure pays when you do things yourself to think about "what if" down the road.
Thats the best thing about HGTV, they are just like the Walton's!

They solve all the world's problems in just 30-60 minutes. :)

I did stain the concrete with Behr Stain followed up with 4 coats of sealer. It's still as nice as the day I did it. Stain is great, paint is not on concrete.

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