Sqeeze Play

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Feb 9, 2010
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Well, the niece and nephew had me in a squeeze play on Saturday.

We were trying to decided on which day (Saturday or Sunday) to have our Chilean crush.

The niece, Nadia, wanted it to be on Sunday. I have often told her that she is my favorite Niece, and so she kept asking "couldn't you have it on Sunday so that your favorite Niece can be there?".

The Nephew, Andrew, my Godson, kept up the discussion with "I am sure that you would prefer to have it on Saturday for your own Godson".

Back and forth it went. Not wanting to decide, I told the two them to come to a unanimous decision and let me know. Finally, they agreed on Sunday. The Nephew would have to leave early, but could still be a part of things.

Feeling bad for the Nephew, I arranged with him to come on Saturday, do a little work getting ready for crush, then we would cook a massive Italian dinner and watch "The Godfather (parts 1 and 2). He will then crash at my place so that he can help out in the morning without having a log drive to get to my place.

At times, I wonder if the family is still up for winemaking. This whole episode showed me that they are!

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