Stag's Leap Merlot Bottled and Labeled

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Guys, Thanks but I've been a moderator for a long time, more than a year. It is still nice to get the Gratz !!!!!!

Oops, I thought I just noticed the switch within this month, shows how much I pay attention.
The WE Stag's Leap Merlot and Ranch 11 Cabernet are our favorite kits. We've made multiples of each and they are delicious. Now that we've become a FVW customer we're trying a few of the MM kits. We'll do a couple more Stag's/Ranch 11 this year because "it just don't get no better than this."

oops, sorry Ramona, I was feeding off someone else's thread!!! hahahaha
That will teach me~
Sorry uav didn't mean to lead you astray, don't follow me I'm lost too.

I could have sworn that the name changed and a star was added, oh well if that's the worst I'm mistaken I can live with that
you're the one with the 45/410 I'll follow you
. I hear there is some nice Stag Merlot down Texas way
I made this early on and I have to admit this is not one of my favorites. Has the infamous Jolly Rancher taste. Finished fermenting in Jan 2007. I have about 14 bottles left, last opened one about 6 weeks ago.

What is the Jolly Rancher taste!!! Grapey....Sweet? I thought it is great. What is your favorite? I'm curious about the reds and how they turn out as I have not made as many as whites. What do you look for in a Red?
I look for tannins, fruit, velvety smoothness and I find that in the Stag's Leap Merlot. Reds don't seem to be as simplified as the whites. I find that I search for what is coming out in the reds....but the whites are right there and obvious....I think it might be in the aging of which I have a problem with(patience). Althoughthe Merlot aged in the carboy 6months....I found it very pleasant.............RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
Ramona, I think we ALL have a problem with patience when it comes to aging our wines!!
The Jolly Rancher is a hint of perceived sweetness in the wine. I can smell it on the nose when the bottle is opened. I've read all the post on kit taste (KT)vs non-kit taste so I am reluctant to get too far into that discussion because it sometimes crosses the border from passionate to emotionally attached. IMHO, it is related to how WE proccesses their juice. I compared it (the SLM)to a few bottles of commercial Merlot and it just didn't stack up at all. Could be that I have been influenced by the power of suggestion. I kinda figured this would come up today so last night I opened another bottle. The first sip was disappointing as I was expecting. I let it decant for 35 mins and it was better but still wasn't what I expected in a Merlot.

My favorite red (unfortunately) is the Oregon Yamhill Pinot Noir. It is stunning and will be entered into next years competition. Just have to change the cork (it's custom) in time to get it to George to ship in next year. I tasted my Super-Tuscan Style Rosso Fortisimo Reserve Cuvée and it was fabulous at the clearing stage. My Tannat Merlot was more Merlot like at the clearing stage than the SLM ever was.
I won a silver medal this year for my Stags Leap Merlot. It is one of the best kits I ever made. My favorite from this past years batches is the Mosti Mondiale Meglioli Amarone Mondiale. I can't wait for this one to age (but it's hard!). 2 other good reds I made this past year was RJ Spagnols En Primeur Dashwood New Zealand Pinot Noir and WE Selection Washington Columbia Valley Cab Franc/Merlot.

I think it is a winner too. Happy for you!!!!


Oh....BTW.......Welcome to you....Glad you are Here!!!!
Edited by: rgecaprock
Some people have stronger senses and can detect this KT much more then others. I myself really dont detect this taste but always find W.E. to be weak with the exception of a few and i found this wine to be very good, not the strongest in body but very good.
I just noticed this thread and looked at Ramona's labels. Very classy!

I have this kit, SLMerlot, bottle aging right now. It has a wonderful deep color but still has KT so more time for it. I oaked this one a bit during bulk aging. I thought it had a lot of flavor compared to some of the other WE kits and to commercial wines in the $10- $12 range. Have high hopes for it.

BTW, Wine-O, have the Meglioli Amorone bulk aging rigth now and am looking to bottle and taste next month. How did you like yours at bottling?Edited by: Jack on Rainy
Thank you, Jack,

I am very pleased with how great it is. I just mailed 2 more bottles to my sister in Virginia.It is a very nice wine.

I believe it's one of the best kits I have made so far. It definitly needs more aging but early on it was amazing. The few bottles I gave away have had rave reviews.

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