I read the thread on Martina's gravity feed filter, and think this would be the way I start.
You are right about getting started. So far I've made welch concord, peach, watermelon, raspberry, grapefruit, pineapple, black table grape (wally world), and cranberry in 1 gallon batches. The watermelon was a bust! I broke down and bought two 6 gallon carboys and a larger bucket and repeated the peach batch. The peach retained the peachy flavor extremely well.With that much wine, Iexperimented with different sweetnesses. I made 5 bottelsdry, 10 bottles semi-sweet, and 15 bottles dessert style (My wife likes the really sweet stuff!).
My brother-in-law has 35 acres in wine grapes in KY, sothis fall I will attempt my firstCabernet Franc from fresh grapes (my payment for helping to harvest).