Starting Blackberry Port today

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Aug 22, 2010
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I needed to blow off a bunch of vacation between now and the end of the year. So, I'm taking this week off.

I had a bountiful crop of blackberries this year, 4 plants 27 1/2 lbs. Reserved 2.5 lbs for jam. 24 lbs landed into the fermentor, thawing.

The plan is to make a 3 Gallon batch of BlackBerry Port.

Beautiful.... I made a 3 gallon batch last year, and will be making another this year.
keep us posted on your recipe and progress. i would love to try this sometime!
Slow start. It took long time to thaw those berries. But I'm rock'n and a roll'n now.

My initial blackberry crush brix was 11.5. Raised it to 26.2 brix. v1116 will be the yeast. The party will be starting this evening. :db

This is my first attempt at any type of port. Thickest must I have ever seen.

I'll keep you posted on the progress and eventually will post the recipe.


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