That was a failure of project planning. Units of measurement, and their precision, should always be laid out at the start.
Very true ... and it's just as applicable to winemaking!That was a failure of project planning. Units of measurement, and their precision, should always be laid out at the start.
You could get really confused an imperial gallon is bigger than a US gallon, best sticking with metric its easier. Approx 4litres to a US gallon and 4.5litres for an imperial gallon. then if you go to Indonesia a gallon of water is 20 litres.Here in the UK lots of people (probably golden oldies like me), still think in Gallons, Pints, Pounds and ounces, even though we officially use the Metric system now.
It's illegal for business to use Imperial measures.
For us amateur winemakers, it doesn't really matter which standard we use as long as we don't mix them. Metric is definitely easier though.