Strawberry Port

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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2008
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Hello Everybody,

I started a Strawberry Port the other day. This is the first Strawberry I have done. (I don't like strawberries very much). I must say... it smells pretty good.

Has anyone used oak on Strawberry?

I made a Chocolate strawberry port which In my opinion came out very good considering it was actually a failed strawberry chocolate wine which was a recipe which I thought was very nasty when t was finished that I dint even give it a chance to clear up or age, it was just plain nasty!
Yes, we oak most of our country wines, even the strawberry, just not heavily. How did you make your strawberry port? Did you add any extra light dried malt extract to boost the body?

Goodfella if you decide to oak you may want to go with a light oak for a bit of coconut flavor.
We have a local winery that makes a strawberry port and was so excited to taste it. They bottle it these beautiful blue triangular bottles. Let's just say the bottles look great, their port not so much. I still need to go back and try it again.
What did you put in this baby?
I used lots of Strawberries
2 lbs simmered bannanas
1 box goldenraisins
1/2 cup DME
and all the other normal goodies...

when the SG hit 1.010 I raised it to 1.030 with a can of white grape concentrate.

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