Strawberry Time again

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thats how to get good flavor.... hope you didn't forget the pectic enzyne?
Well here it is after it hit 1.006
It was put into 2 x 3 gallon carboys

6 Gallons of strawberry

Strawberry bubbling away

Strawberry aftermath
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PW When I shoot with my droid and upload directly to photo bucket I have the same problem. When I use my photo editing program I am able to cut down the file size and the size of the picture. Then I send them to photo bucket.
If you always get this active I suggest primary in a bucket then rack to carboy. This is what I do
It was in an 18 gallon tote. I chcecked the SG and it was down to 1.006 so I put it into carboys then. I didnt start in carboys.
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strawberry wine

i agree with tom about this wine needing to be in a primary fermenter. i know you said you checked sg but far more important than sg is how active and vigorous the fermentation is going on..... that leakage and spills that result from a still vigorous fermentation is just begging for some sort of nasty infection... the only up-side to this would be that strawberry wine vineger is excellent with a lite flavored oil on a salad. you should avoid every sort of spill or leakage possible. if that means leaving the wine in the primary a few more days til things slow down then do so.
pw- I have the same prob with strawberry... Ferment looks slow, sg is down so you rack it into carboy, and boom it goes crazy.
Therefor I deduce that strawberries are claustrophibic.... good idea to stick them into a tote!
it's not just strawberry.. any/every wine has that same potential... nothing like coming home to a reddish foamy mess creaping across the floor. makes you wonder how a five gallon carboy can suddenly put out ten gallons of foam.... been there, done that.... got that purple stained t-shirt and pants. but i only had it happen once to me in over 35 years of wine making.... after that i always taste... no need to check SG if the must is still real sweet then you better worry. unlike some i always stir the must real good... not just punch down the cap but stir up the sludge and lees this seems to re-activate things when it seems to be slowing down....
if you've never experienced a flood of foam, then your awful lucky... it's not just the initial foam mess but it attractes all the pets that have to walk thru it and track it every where in the house... and cats are just the right height to get it on their belly good as they walk back and forth tasteing as they go.... then go and lay down in every chair or sofa in the house.... it wasn't the cats i wanted too kill but rather the wife/ now ex that talked me into really expensive!!!! white carpet thru out the house.
like every thing else in wine making i preach for you to take your time and don't be in a rush... a few extra days in the primary fermenter won't hurt anything.
well after the initial racking into the carboys and the clean up afterwards everything seems to be fine. there is a little bit of foam that has gotten into the airlocks but otherwise no more explosiveness. it is still bubbling but much slower and looking better every day.

LOL chalk this one up to living and learning even though I know better. I think next time I will use a 5 gallon carboy and put just 3 gallons in it to start with. Then when it stops with the vigor then I wil put it in 3 gallon carboys. It should produce enough gas to protect it until I move it to the 3 gallon.

Also I think this one got so explosive due to the heat. I did not know that it had gotten up to 85+ in the room that day. Since it hasn't been as warm there hasn't been any more issues. Good thing to have a memory themometer.

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