Alright second day in a row of a SG reading at 1.000. Tomorrow is the moment of truth.
Perfect, that's exactly what I added. I'll keep ya'll updated with monthly pictures. Everyone on this thread has been very helpful and I appreciate the advice. Can't wait to show ya'll final bottled product, thanks!1/4 tsp of K-Meta powder or 5 Campden tablets crushed and dissolved into a few ozs of water. That's all for 3 months then rack and repeat. You can rack again in 2-3 weeks if there is a lot of sediment but you don't need to add any more K-meta that soon. Just repeat that dosage every 3 months.
Normally I bottle after at end of one of my 3 month periods of aging (3, 6, 9, 12 months racking points during aging) So I am normally at a point where K-Meta is needed so... short answer is YES. So if your win has been aging for 3 months then a normal dose of K-meta (1/4 oz per 5-6 gallons) If it's been aging 1 month or you might skip that dosage - anywhere in between you might cut the amount accordingly.
Pretty early to bottle but as to dosage - I'd go with standard dosage at this point -1/4 tsp per 5-6 gallons.
You can bottle now just add K-meta - If you want to guesstimate a little less than 1/4 teaspoon per 5-6 gallons go for it. Some folks do a test to tell them exactly how much k-Meta to add, the rest of us just follow basic guidelines. Remember after bottling it's best to wait about a month before opening the first bottle. You can read up on "Bottle Shock" to see why the 1 month wait time exists. Again there are few hard fast rules to wine making so unless you are planning on keeping some of this batch for more than a year or two it should be fine.
You can bottle now just add K-meta - If you want to guesstimate a little less than 1/4 teaspoon per 5-6 gallons go for it. Some folks do a test to tell them exactly how much k-Meta to add, the rest of us just follow basic guidelines. Remember after bottling it's best to wait about a month before opening the first bottle. You can read up on "Bottle Shock" to see why the 1 month wait time exists. Again there are few hard fast rules to wine making so unless you are planning on keeping some of this batch for more than a year or two it should be fine.