Miss Martina.........
Hard Lemonade has been difficult to ferment, due to the acidic nature of lemons. My suggestion is to make the whole batch a “starter” and then slowly add the lemon juice over a 48 hour period. This would allow the yeast to fully engage and get at proper population density without the stress of the acidic environment. Then when the little buggers are ready and at full strength, they will be slowly acclimated to the lemon juice. Hopefully this will provide a quicker and healthier ferment and should hopefully also allow the full flavor of the lemon to be more apparent as additions are made toward the end of vigorous fermentation. In other words your making sugar water must, then using Realemon as an additive. I’m thinking of a regimen like this:

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<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">1 Gallon Hard Lemonade[/B]
<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">[/B]
Mix together following ingredients with water tempeture about 104 degrees and sprinkle yeast on top.
7 - Cups water
2 # - White sugar for a SG of 1.080 [after Realemon addition]
1 - Tsp nutrient
1/8 - Tsp energizer
1 - Packet <?

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Let sit for 12 hours and when yeast shows good activity add:
1 cup Realemon Lemon juice [total] at the rate of 1/3 cup every 12 hours, so at the end of 36 hours you will have added the total of 1 cup of lemon juice.
Ferment to dryness SG < 1.00, rack to settle for 2 or 3 weeks, then stabilize and back sweeten to taste. Then find a likely victim to taste before you do!
Any thoughts on this procedure..............