I am working on a WE port kit. The intstructions call for adding 450 Grams of sugar (or 1 1/2 cups). I used a new scale that measures in grams. But it appeared I added more like 2 - 2 1/2 cups when I filled up the measuring cup to set on the scale.
I'm just a little worried becuase I just checked the S.G. and it was at 1.022 S.G. The kit was started on the 21st at 1.115 S.G.
Becuase it has been a cookin' for 10 days, I just expected it to be a little closer to finished.... But I have never 'cooked' a wine to such a high ABV....
I'm just a little worried becuase I just checked the S.G. and it was at 1.022 S.G. The kit was started on the 21st at 1.115 S.G.
Becuase it has been a cookin' for 10 days, I just expected it to be a little closer to finished.... But I have never 'cooked' a wine to such a high ABV....