I know that my opinion is unpopular around here. But I really enjoyed the Costco kits. I had a kid that was a Malbec cab kit. The price for the two was $45 Canadian. Very affordable and not really any different than any of the other low and kits you would pick up and a fairly early drinker. Within three months it was pretty good. But I have never been a fancy wine drinker myself.
Why would your opinion be unpopular? It's your opinion, which you have every right to express. I used to find very affordable commercial wines quite enjoyable back in the day. Some deeper pocketed friends of mine spoiled that by sharing wines I couldn't afford back in those days, and I got a bit spoiled. Which is why I eventually pursued making my own wine, but I almost immediately gravitated toward the premium kits because they better mimicked the wines I had grown accustomed to. If you're happy with the results of cheaper kits, then consider yourself lucky and unspoiled. Your hobby will be just as rewarding, but with a much less detrimental financial investment. Cheers!