Sulfur smell

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Senior Member
Jan 6, 2008
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Is this normal for second day fermentation on 6 gallons ?

I figured this wekend to just pick up a concentrate at the local st petersburg wine store, so it was cheap enough and the sales lady was outstanding, so for the trial and practice i picked up a alexander zinfandel concentrate.

we discussed the recipe, and i went with one can with 6 gallons, /I know this is going to be a light wine, which is ok with me, so I also picked up the care package, it was just a pre-mix of emzyte, tannin, yeast food, and a acid blend made for these kits at 5 gallons, but we agreed at 6 gallons no worries.

well I did all the mixing, got my sugar level up to 1.085, and just sprinkled a pack of lalvin 71B 1122 on the top.

No issue at all in bubbling,that container is popping out co2 like crazy.

But i stick my nose up to the airlock and get a sulfur smell. It started out smelling like grapes before the yeasters were added,

Is this just the smell produced by the yeasties ? that should settle. ?

Figured I would ask you all,
If you have a lid on take it off. This is usually a result of a yeast strain that is stressed out due to lack of nutrients, O2, or extreme heat, or even a few of the listed few.
Oh the excitement of my first ( real ) batch.

I didn't have any clean clothe to place over the top of the jug. so last night I removed the lid, stirred slowly for a minute or so, then I put the lid back on but did not add water to the air lock, I figured that would be the best least resistance I could offer the bucket at this time.

I stuck my nose to the lock this morning and I can start to smell the grape coming back as that sulfurish smell is subsiding.

So I'll wait till after work, give a sniff and see how it's going..

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