Supreme Corq X2 vs. Altec synthetic cork

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Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Does anybody have any pros/cons on the difference between these 2 synthetic corks?

I usually get the Supreme Corq X2 from the and was wanting to start getting them from but they carry the Altec synthetic cork.

Not sure if all synthetics are the same - or if some are better than others.

Or are the Agglomerate, Normacorc, or 1x1 corks better to use?
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I believe that the altec cork was first to hit the market and was found to promote early wine oxidation. I know that there have been a number of law suits by wineries using this product

I think that altec was followed by supreme cork and that the product was meant to correct the oxidation problem. To a lesser degree, supreme cork still has oxidation problems over time.

If having to choose, I would go with the supreme cork.

I have always used the Nomacorc. Love them. Easy in and out. Easy to sanitize and I buy 1,000 at a time.
No. It's completely the same thru out. There is an impression of grapes on the side.
The Nomacorc synthetics I use do have a foam center and nothing on the sides ( #9, 1.75"). They must offer different styles?