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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
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i have never liked reality shows..but by accident found one called swamped./
funniest dang show Ive seen...and if you are from La...you know most is true.
Is that the one where they profile alligator hunters?

Manthing and I LOVE that show!
Jericurl, I've never heard the term "manthing", I'll assume you are referencing your husband?
I would think that most of the women would freak if we referenced our wives as "womanthing"....LOL
He's my partner. We aren't married and won't ever get married, but boyfriend sounds a bit juvenile at our age.

He decided on his online moniker, though I do find it amusing.

Meh, I think it probably raises the same amount of eyebrows as "SWMBO", which I would find a bit passive aggressive and patronizing if I was referred to as such...but I'm not so not my pig, not my farm.