That juice sounds great....I am currently looking for Cherry Wine recipes myself as well as Cranberry Wine from concentrates...if I find a good looking recipe using concentrates I will Post it.
Here is a recipe using fresh fruit...It came from a Post on another forum.....oops!!!!
Montmorency Cherry Recipe, makes 6 gallons (you can divide this for smaller batches)
25-30lbs Montmorency Cherries ( or other sour pie cherries)
12lbs white sugar SG- 1.090
4 gallons US of Water.
12-tsps acid blend. - adjust TA to .60 (If you have an acid test kit)
6-tsps nutrient
1-tsp tannin
6 campden tablets crushed. (or 1/4 tsp of potassium metabisulphite)
Add 2.5tsp Pectic Enzyme in 12 hours
pitch Premier Cuvee Yeast 12-24 hours after pectic enzyme.
6 campdens or 1/4tsp potassium metabisulphite
3 tsps potassium sorbate
Pick and only use ripe Cherries, discard any bad or bruised fruit, then destem and pit place in primary. Crush with hands or large potato smasher being careful not to break pits if you did not pit them before.
Disolve the sugar in 2 gallons of boiling water, boil until clear. Pour boiling water over cherries, then add remaining 3 gallons of water. Cover primary and wait until must has cooled.
When cooled to room temp add remaning ingredients except pectic enzyme and yeast. Cover and wait for 12 hours. Add pectic enzyme, recover and leave another 12 hours then add yeast and put lid back on primary.
Stir and press down cap daily. When S.G. drops to 1.010 (5-6 days), strain fruit pulp (squeezing pulp gently to extract all remaining juice) discard fruit and siphon liquor into secondary. Fit airlock and let sit three weeks to 4 weeks until fermentation is entirely complete. Rack three more times, every two to three months, until very clear. Stabilize with the 3 tsps of potassium sorbate and 1/4 tsp of potassium metabisulphite then sweeten slightly to taste about 1/4lb sugar, let stand 30 days before bottling.
Age 9-12 months