Mosti Mondiale Temperature Question

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Aug 3, 2011
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I just completed the first racking of my Vinefera Noble Savaignon Blanc on day #3. Prior to racking I checked the temp and it read 84 degrees, SG was 1.036. Directions say it shouldbe 65-75 degrees, but with the heat here in dallas, my ac is struggling to keep our house below 80. Directions also say you should rack your wine between days 3-5 when the SG reaches 1.040-1.050.

Is the higher temp and lower SG that is is suggested by the instructions going to be a problem?
I am assuming you have transferred everything over to glass carboy now?

The heat will definitely speed up your fermentation. Its for that very reason you should always do things not necessarily by days but like you did by Hygrometer readings.Your on the right track!

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