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Sorry scotty, I already did the dance and its coming, I never did learn the delay dance.
wade said:
Sorry scotty, I already did the dance and its coming, I never did learn the delay dance.

A little more rain last night .41".... but this time it came with strong winds...50-68 MPH...There was a steady strobe of lightening and thunder rumbling...I got up to check the radar and the lights started to flash and finally went out...[Came back on this morning]...I started to close the windows in the dark [with he strobe of lightening to lighten my path]...Some of the crank-out windows had blown open and I had quite a stuggle...Then the BIG winds came...I stood in the middle of the living room looking out to see the little shade trees in the yard leaning at 45 degrees...I considered going to the basement but knew the storm wasn't very wide...It blew through in about 45 minutes.

There isn't as much damage as I thought there would be...a few big trees down, lots of leaves and branches to pick up, a few shingles from an old shed and yard stuff thrown around. Had to stake and pull up 2 of our young yard trees as they were almost laying flat on the ground.

The sweet corn is leaning, but expect it will out grow that. The onions are broken over, so don't know if they will come out of that...the rest of the garden vegetablesare listing a bit.

The apple trees lost many apples, some were smaller ones that were falling form the June-Drop, many larger apples are on the ground.

Guess we were lucky, it could have been a lot worse.

I see the storm is heading across Wisconsin now and headed East...So for all you folks out East..."Hang on to your hats"...and lawn chairs, grills,'s a nasty one.

The air is cooler and dry today and still having strong winds to dry us out a rain expected till after 7PM tonight....Thanks out-did yourselves on the wishes for a little rain up this way. Near 10 inches this month...I think the drought is over.Edited by: Northern Winos
When living in the Southwest I recall it didn't take much rain to flood, imagine what 10" would do to Dallas in a month. The town I live in is all up hill from the river, closest we come to a "flood" is when we get a good heavy rain, like 4-6 " in a downpour, then watch it all run to the river. Usually the ground here soaks it up pretty quick. Those straight-line winds up here are another story.
Got a call from a friend in a city nearby, she said garbage cans and grocery carts are drifting through town...Yikes!!!!
I guess we got some weather up here, didn't we Northern! I've been down with the stomach flu since Friday night, and for some odd reason didn't spend much time outside.
A lot of my iris and peony flowers are bent over and broken.
I went out this afternoon to check on them and it's not a pretty sight. Especially because I had promised to come up with 4 flower arrangements from my garden for a function after work tomorrow.
And my neighbor's flowers didn't fare any better, so I can't even lift any of hers...
I'll use small vases to make the amount of flowers look bigger... I'm personally hoping for a couple of dry days, just for something different...
We are just beginning to get somemuch needed rains. Had a good one early Sunday morning and a couple of nice but short lived showers today. Sitting here now listening to the rumble of thinder in the distance and hoping we get another round tonight. NW & Princess it sound like you have had enough for a spell so may the sun shine on you tomorrow.
We're still about 12" behind for the year. Send some my way.
Our neighbors didn't fare as well as we did last night...heard about their problems and went over to see if they needed any help.

They live about 2 miles straight up-wind from last nights storm. All the big Cottonwood trees in their yard are uprooted...probably 25 of them...all along the front and side of their yard...The biggest grain bin was upside down and up against their remaining trees, the other grain bins were off their cement footings....A big piece of farm machinery was across the road.

This is a Century Farm, been in the family for over 100 years, they kept an immaculate well maintained all they have in front of the house is big roots half out of the lawn and a huge pile of trees dragged out into a field...what a heart breaker. Last week many of their fields got hailed out....Lots of bad luck over there.

Count our blessings...a few broken flowers and vegetables can't replace 100 year old trees....but everybody is fine.

Guess many neighbors spent some time in their basements last night...I wanted to...but Jim was sleeping so soundly I couldn't arise him...he loves storms and missed out on this one.

Strong winds all day today, but cooler and drier air....another storm blowing across country.
I think the storms are over...we just had a very brief shower....


The end of the rainbow was out in the Wine Garden...a good sign.


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