That's cruel

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Senior Member
Sep 30, 2009
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Banbury UK
Mum caught her young son kicking one of their chickens. "That's cruel!" she said. "For being cruel to the chicken, you'll get no eggs for a fortnight." A short while later Mum caught the son kicking the dog. "You're being cruel again," she said. "Just for kicking the dog, you'll get no hot dogs for a fortnight.'
About an hour later, Dad came home after a bad day at work. He almost tripped over the cat, so he kicked it out of the way.
The son looked at his Mum and said,"Well, are you going to tell him or shall I?"
I posted this a year or so ago, it's similar.

Tom and Brad are two winemakers putting the final touches on their wines for the next day's bottling. Everything went so smoothly they finished early and decided to go golfing. On the first tee Tom hits a terrible hook to the left and Brad follows with a terrible slice to the right. They walk to their balls in different directions and Tom finds his in a field of thick buttercups. He swings and misses but tears up a path of buttercups with his swing. Suddenly, POOF, and Mother Nature appears and tells him how hard she works making these beautiful flowers and as a penalty Tom cannot have any butter for a month and POOF she disappears. So he swings again and more buttercups destroyed. Again Mother Nature appears and pretty upset. She tells Tom that she thought she was being nice only forbidding butter for a month and proceeds to tell him she has extended ban on butter for a year and POOF she's gone. Tom a little shaken up takes another swing and with it goes more buttercups. With a loud POOF almost like an explosion Mother Nature appears a third time and tells Tom I gave you enough warnings, you cannot have any butter for the rest of your life and POOF she's gone. When she leaves Tom yells "Brad where are you". Brad replies "I'm over here in the pussy willows". Tom immediately yells back "DON'T SWING, DON'T SWING, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T SWING".
I posted this a year or so ago, it's similar.

Tom and Brad are two winemakers putting the final touches on their wines for the next day's bottling. Everything went so smoothly they finished early and decided to go golfing. On the first tee Tom hits a terrible hook to the left and Brad follows with a terrible slice to the right. They walk to their balls in different directions and Tom finds his in a field of thick buttercups. He swings and misses but tears up a path of buttercups with his swing. Suddenly, POOF, and Mother Nature appears and tells him how hard she works making these beautiful flowers and as a penalty Tom cannot have any butter for a month and POOF she disappears. So he swings again and more buttercups destroyed. Again Mother Nature appears and pretty upset. She tells Tom that she thought she was being nice only forbidding butter for a month and proceeds to tell him she has extended ban on butter for a year and POOF she's gone. Tom a little shaken up takes another swing and with it goes more buttercups. With a loud POOF almost like an explosion Mother Nature appears a third time and tells Tom I gave you enough warnings, you cannot have any butter for the rest of your life and POOF she's gone. When she leaves Tom yells "Brad where are you". Brad replies "I'm over here in the pussy willows". Tom immediately yells back "DON'T SWING, DON'T SWING, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T SWING".
Different but the same. Either way, a bit of a laugh!

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