I bought it, I bought it, I bought it! Wonderful book, still working through it...I've said it before and will continue to say it. Buy this book. It will up your bread game.

The book on the right is also must buy in my opinion. Great dough recipes to work with, they have one called Enzo's Pizza dough which is a same day dough if you get up early enough in the morning (a 10 hour rest). Uses a scant amount of yeast but pulls easily and my wife said it made the best tasting, thinnest base/crust that I've made so far. Add some sourdough discard and it's out of this world good. BTW, he changes up some of his pizza concepts from the back of the first book in the second Elements of PIzza book in a big way. He said the changes were from doing it every day and learning as he went. I subscribe and use the concepts in the second book for pizza dough and they work out pretty well, still an experiment in progress...
Joe Beddia's Pizza Camp is also a good one for pizza, plus he's a Philly phan and has his pizzeria there as well. Made a mushroom "white" pizza from his book. It has a mushroom cream sauce as the base, a bit of cheese and some sautéed shitake mushrooms on top.

It was yet another experimental dough, was held at 33*F for 144 hours proofing... It was the best pizza I think I've ever made.
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