The evil holiday is almost here

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Feb 9, 2010
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Well folks, it is almost upon us. The one holiday that (historically) has caused more human strife than any other...

Valentines day (Dunt, dunt, dah)!

To put it simply, Valentines day is pure evil.

My realization that "Valentines day is evil" came about 1 year after I married my gal. I remember it well, it was Feb 15th and I looked in the trash can to see wilted roses, opened cards, and half eaten chocolates. It was the remains of just about everything I gave my wife just the day before. I realized that I spent in excess of $200 for no real reason. My feelings for my gal did not change in the least and her feelings for me did not change in any way either. At that moment, my wife and I agreed to make it a point to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for valentines day.

More folks have broken up over Valentines day than any other holiday. I think that this is mostly due to the external expectations placed on you or your other half. It is the holiday that mandates what is romantic, and not your heart. It gets to the point where if you do not do something "special", heart ache will ensue because you did not live up to these stupid expectations.

Stop to consider the valentine itself. Folks, it is just a stupid card! if you do not get one, does this really serve as an omen on how your partner feels? Does it have more meaning than instead hearing the words spoken by your loved one? The same goes for roses that cost 4X more than any other time of the year, or a idiotic box of assorted chocolates where half are tossed into the trash, or spending insane amounts of money for a "romantic" dinner so crowded with people that you end up with someone's foot resting on your salad plate.

I express my feelings to my honey by going to work and supporting my gal every day. If she every has a need, she knows that I am there for her. I get her flowers every now and then for just no reason and have made it a point to speak to each and every single day since the day we met (I did a LOT of traveling for work). Isn't this far more meaningful that a piece of cardboard with a winged baby archer on it???

I do not do anything at all on Valentines day. It is the principle of doing things because you want to and not because of some stupid made up holiday.

But the true evil of this holiday goes much further. Think of those that have no relationship, or those that just lost a loved one. How does this stupid holiday make them feel? Frankly, it depresses the HELL out of them.

So, for all of you that have been victims of this holiday, I say "join me. Boycott the evil! Ignore valentines day and focus on what really matters"!
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I am luckly that my wife asks for nothing and expects nothing on the manufactured holiday, which will not be named!

I have always contended that it is manufactured by the greeting card and cholocate people.
I mean why do you need a holiday to show your spouse that you love her more in the middle of winter than you did at any other time during the year.

That being said, I still buy my wife simple flowers and I get nothing in return.
We usually get a pizza or some low rent meal!
And like any other day, she goes to bed early and I stay up too late playing video games.

Ok, I may catch some grief for this but no offense/harm is intended.
Now I make sure my wife knows she is appreciated, loved, wanted, etc. to get that out there. My take on ALL holidays is this. I think most of them are overrated. Now I have no problem celebrating them for what they really are, but not for the commercial side or so called societies idea of what they are. I will only throw a few out there as I could touch on them all.

Mothers/Fathers Day. Some of you know I just lost my mother a few months ago and she was my world. I made sure she knew EVERYDAY was mothers day. It shouldn't take that day to recognize or do something special.

Memorial/Veterans Day. Awesome holidays as the men and women who are acknowledged on these days deserve it and more. We should thank them everytime and everyday we see them.

Christmas. Ridiculous. Now I go to church and consider myself fairly religious, not over the top but how many people really celebrate this holiday for what it is? or for that matter, I bet alot of people (if you take a poll) don't even know what we are supposed to be really celebrating..........and it ain't Santa Claus. This holiday is out of control and a setup for letdown. I can't tell you how many people/kids I hear that complain about what they did or didn't get.

So, my take is to enjoy everyone that means something to you, EVERYDAY, not just on holidays. Get together when it may not always be convenient, call them even if you are really tired, because you never know when you won't be able to again.
Wow, with guys like Elmer and JohnT I sure am glad I sold my HALLMARK STORES. For 40 years I made a living trying to keep guys like y'all out of the dog house. And you two are testament to just how difficult it was.

And one thing that 35 years of marriage has taught me is that "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" means she gets you nothing but you get her a card, box of chocolates and roses.

I have just mailed red tulips to my daughter and daughter-in-law and pink miniature roses to my granddaughter. SWMBO will get perfume. I'll get lucky.
Mostly with you on this one John, However my wife did deviate from the no gift rule about 5 years ago, she bought me a ..............................Wine making kit!
25 carboys and an acre vineyard later I am wondering where all my time went.
We never do anything. At most, we will cook a nice dinner and/or open some nice wine.

Our friend just told us that another friend (both women) has a birthday on Thursday, the 13th. The friend is insisting they go out for dinner for her birthday on Friday. Great! The worst day of the year, do you REALLY want to go out that night?

The other day, my wife just made plans to go away for that weekend to visit a friend. Then she caught herself, turned to me to make sure I was not upset about missing St. Valentine's Day. Upset!? I was thrilled and relieved! :)
I despise this holiday! I remember being "the fat kid" in high school and never having a boyfriend or getting a candy-gram and it was really depressing. I decided that long ago that I wouldn't celebrate V-Day.

Besides, I would much rather my husband think of me on any random day than be super-sweet on a day that the world says he's SUPPOSED to.

We're kinda romantics though and we'll bring each other flowers and treats for no reason whatsoever.
I just want you gents to know that not every woman is on board with V day. I have detested it for decades. I remember exactly when it happened.
Feb 14th, 1988. It was a Sunday morning and we were lazing in the family room watching TV. Out of the blue, my husband stood up and said to our two young daughters. "Well, come on kids, I guess we better go to the drug store and get Mom something for Valentines Day."

It infuriated me that he felt so obligated. From that day on, we have never celebrated it. Nor do we celebrate March 14th, steak and (eh hem) day.
Fair is fair:D
We don't do Valentines Day. It's stupid and a waste of money! My husband can get me 4 dozen roses a week later for the price they charge 'that week'. We don't even acknowledge the day :)

And so many of you are correct, it's such a let down for EVERYONE: those with a significant other, and those without.

I'm in for the ban!:<
I cant even comment...But, since i am single i will say, if its been a while, (if you know what i mean).
I will buy flowers, perfume, chocolate,diamonds,emeradls and rubys.
if it will break the ice....
It's been around at least 8 -9 years. I guess you guys haven't heard of it because of lack of marketing. Unlike Valentines day.
Can you imagine walking into a Hallmark store and trying to find a card for it? Or the sale signs in the meat department. :)
It's been around at least 8 -9 years. I guess you guys haven't heard of it because of lack of marketing. Unlike Valentines day.
Can you imagine walking into a Hallmark store and trying to find a card for it? Or the sale signs in the meat department. :)

Yes, I could imagine this utopian world.

March 14th just blew my mind!
Come again?

Never heard of it, and in my jaw-hanging-agape state,
Pardon me?

I told my hubby about it. His response: "That's sad. All I gotta do is ask" :)

Wow, don't rub it in, Gina! Please tell your hubby that he is a lucky man.
My wonderful wife and I don't celebrate VD either. I once got laid off on Valentine's, many years ago. Although this year, we are going away for the weekend with two other couples. We all night a Groupon to the same place and this is the only weekend we all could make it. We will have a nice dinner, but it is included.

And we don't celebrate March 14th either. Happens all the time.
Sorry but I am a very childish man sometimes. LMAO when I saw how the brief summary of the latest post looked on my iPhone. Read your post in the middle....ImageUploadedByWine Making1392091613.506202.jpg