The Sky's

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Mar 1, 2009
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Is anyone else experiencing the awesome clear sky tonight. The moon is so big and awesome and several planets showing everything they got! Beautiful! Of course I was snow blowing 14" of snow out of my driveway as I was enjoying all this.
Sorry Dan, I'm not seeing it but then again I'm in comfy clothes watching TV!
The winter constellations are much brighter than the summer constellations. It takes real fortitude to go out and appreciate the sky during the winter, on the clear nites. But every nite that the skies are clear--which is a real challenge here because of the clouds created by Lake Erie--I take a walk outside with the dog and check out the sky. I never get tired of looking at it. I saw the ISS disappear into the shadow of the moon, last nite.
Turock since you mentioned the Space Station do you have the app "Flybys". It's great app letting you know when and which Satellite is flying over your location. They even give a full description of it. This one and Google Sky are two of my favorites.
Had the pleasure of watching the full moon rise a few nights ago, only to be gobbled up by some silver edged clouds. A most enjoyable experience.
Dan--If you're a fan of watching satellites, did you ever notice that the early morning hours seem to be the best for watching them. One morning, I was out at the telescope and saw about 6 different satellites in a 2 hour period!! This was between 2 and 4 AM. I even saw a failed satellite--you could tell it had failed because it was tumbling and flashing. I'd never seen that before. So many people never look at the sky---when I point out the Milky Way to them they say,"I've never seen that before." And these people are 60 years old and live in the same dark sky spot that I do!! When you're outside on a clear nite, you should always look up. You never know what you're gonna see!!!