Thought I would share my first label

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Senior Member
May 30, 2010
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Hi there. I have been lurking for a while now and thought I would say hi.
I will make a formal introduction in a more proper spot.
I picked up a bucket of juice from Chile when my friends club did their spring batch purchase. Right now it is sitting in 5 gallon and 1 gallon glass containers. I have tasted it a couple of times during the process and I am very happy with the way it is turning out. At this point I am not sure how long I want to let it sit before I bottle it. I am not a very patient person.

I am planning on a 4th of July bottling.
I have been working on a label and thought I would post it here for you to look at. I found the photo online and used MS Photo to add the text.
I have not one creative bone in my body.

Great label and as long as you are speaking a July 2011 bottling then that should be just about right........."Patience Grasshopper" is a virtue required in winemaking
Nice label indeed, you want much more time in bottling wine or you will have sediment in your bottles.
2011? Holy smokes.
Maybe bottle off the 1 gallon and let the 5 gallon age a bit?

Patience? Ya know...... my wife says I have a problem with that.
This may be a challenge.

My friend has a couple of club batches going that are going to be blended and put in a barrel for a while. Of course, he has wine already bottled he can enjoy while waiting.
That is a good idea, let the rest age and clear as believe it or not it even if you use a fining agent(clearing agent) it will continue to drop very fine sediment(Lees) over more time.
Mcamnl since you're asking our opinion on the label an idea might be to drop the picture of the vines lower on the label and have less empty space there and then on the top of it put your name NVA wines across the top. Just an idea, but what you did looks good!