Thoughts on new tasting rooms

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Jan 14, 2013
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What would you think if you walked into a tasting that had just been opened, but had bare walls. I mean the place had a nice wooden wine shelves, and some cool bakers rack kind of things that had the wineries stuff that they sold on them, but there were no windows, and te lights where kind of dim. It looled like the place wasn't finished. What would you guys think if you walked into a place like tht? Would you go back? I mean the wine was good, but they didn't have too many sweeter wines like my lwife likes.
Well you said they were brand new and had good wine. A winery that doesn't sell semi sweet and sweet wine will soon find out they won't make it as that is the biggest market share. Maybe this winery was up against a time line to open with their license. In 10-20 years you'll be able to look back and say I can remember when you first opened and was just bare walls with a few racks.
They probably poured *pun* all their funds into production. Decor doesn't always make it for me. It's the quality of the product. That being said, hopefully they will kick the ambiance up a notch and also offer a larger selection later. Swing back by in a year and see!