Tips on retrieving Nylon Bags/CheeseCloth Bags

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Feb 7, 2013
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Any tips with this? I've seen some say they use fish string but what are you attaching the string to or are you just letting the string float in the wine?

I've seen some other suggest using a "Paint bag" that opens from the bottom? Honestly not sure what this is?

Any suggestions are welcome (pictures would be awesome too)
We use 5 gallon paint strainer bags found at Home Depot.You could tie fish string to it if felt the need. Opening from the bottom?? turn the bag upright and the openng will be on top.
Last time I used a bag, I couldn't get the thing out of the carboy, had to use a hanger to pull some of it out and then cut the bag was a total mess.

Was looking for some other tips to avoid this
As Dan said, most of us use 5 gallon paint bags. Put the fruit in and tie the top of the bag, when it is time to take the fruit out just reach in and pull the bag out.
Why do you want to use a bag in the carboy?
What goes in the bag?

Most anything you add in the carboy, at least if after fermentation is done, will eventually sink to the bottom. Rack off it, then turn the carboy upside down.
Last time I used a bag, I couldn't get the thing out of the carboy, had to use a hanger to pull some of it out and then cut the bag was a total mess.

Was looking for some other tips to avoid this
Psssst...Hocke come over here and let me give you a little tip to avoid this, but keep it a secret. Get a pail, insert bag and ferment your fruit.Rack off of this ferment, remove bag and add wine to carboy.

Thats my tip to you, now for a bit of education geometry 101; you can't fit a square peg in a round hole.
hocke230 said:
Last time I used a bag, I couldn't get the thing out of the carboy, had to use a hanger to pull some of it out and then cut the bag was a total mess.

Was looking for some other tips to avoid this

When fermenting fruit, I use a food grade bucket. Juice only in the carboys.
I think it depends on the size of the bag and what it's used for. I use a 1 gallon bag to hold wood (currently spirals) in place with marbles. I tie fishing line on the bag and keep one end tied to the outside of the carboy.
Last time I used a bag, I couldn't get the thing out of the carboy, had to use a hanger to pull some of it out and then cut the bag was a total mess.

Was looking for some other tips to avoid this

Wash your hands in a sanitizer solution or spray them well with k meta solution. Reach into the primary. Grasp bag firmly. Pull that sucker out!

WAIT: You said carboy? Hmmm...I've never used a bag in a carboy. I do primary in buckets.

Oak chips? I do those in primary. I use spirolls in carboys. Much easier.
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