To much Potassium Matabisufite

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Nov 30, 2013
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I just made a big mistake and put in one teaspoon into my 5 gallon carboy of merlot juice. I am looking for a remedy. Thank You!!
I just brought the wine in from outside where it was stored at about 35 degrees and I haven't added the yeast yet.

this is my first batch of wine, what do you mean by rack twice?

I think Steve (vacuumpumpman) thought that you were at a different point in the wine making process. Which, of course, points out why it is necessary for posters to provide all the info.

Racking means to transfer the wine from one vessel to another, usually by siphoning, but folks like Steve might use a pump.

Getting back to your original question, I would suggest moving the juice to a pail with considerable head space, letting the juice warm up, then stirring vigorously off and on for some time. Sorry I don't know how long. If you have an SO2 test kit, it would be a good idea to use it here.


Thanks for the answer and I am sorry I didn't give as much information as needed. This is my first batch of wine and I am feeling very lost in this process.


I just brought the wine juice in from outside, it will be mid afternoon tomorrow before it reaches room temperature. How many days can the juice sit at room temperature before I add the yeast?

Thanks Steve
I walked away and checked my replies and seen all of this - Yes it is very important to try and put as much information that you have in order to get the proper answer.

negley321 - hang in there
I also believe if you leave enough headspace it will help dissipate the SO2 levels probably in less than 48 hours for you to be able to add your yeast-

Just start your yeast in a petrie dish prior with a little bit of yeast energizer and yeast nutrient to help the process along

Again, sorry for my stupidity, but what do you mean by headspace? Right now the carboy is full up almost up to the top.
The space above the wine in the container is he headspace. I would recommend hat you pour your must into a large bucket that will hold the volume of wine and a good amount more. Do your primary fermentation in there. It will not hurt to splash the must and aerate it. That will help dissipate the so2. If your carboy is almost full it won't properly aerate and if it ferments vigorously it's liable to foam out the top.
You need to get that must out of the carboy to dissipate the excess k-meta. It certainly won't spoil before adding yeast with that amount of sulfite. Go get a fermentation bucket (a plastic pail about 8 gallons made for fermenting in). Dump the juice from the carboy into the bucket (dumping it in will add more air to it and help bind a lot of the excess S02) and let it set for about 24 hours (that will help dissipate more S02). Make a yeast starter or at least hydrate the yeast (begin with warm water about 110F and put the yeast in it). Let that sit for about 20 minutes and add to the juice. It should begin to ferment within 24-48 hours.

You will find there are a lot of ways to do most winemaking jobs and most of them work alright.

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