Toasting oak

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Senior Member
Jan 15, 2013
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I have a stack of 3/8 inch white oak boards air drying for a year now. I cut a 18 inch dia. white oak and had a neighbor with a band saw cut up the trunk for me.

Can someone share with me how I would go about getting a proper toast on a few small planks. I plan on letting the boards dry a while yet but I'm interested in testing as soon as feasible. I'm assuming an oven will work?
What size are the planks? Are they small enough to fit in your oven?

If so, you could try baking them at, say, 450 degrees until they have color.
Here is a poorly designed chart (

The unnecessary 3rd dimension makes it difficult to ascertain the actual temperature, but it gives you an idea.
Ahh yes, thank you for the chart SG. This one is going into the vault. Elmer - I think the official regulations for wine oak is 3 years air drying but why I do not know. Guess I'll cut up a few stave sized planks that fit in an oven at 450 and bake until golden brown...and go from there.

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