Took a hit at work today!

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Well the colors are really starting to come out but today just black in the corner and screaming red over the eye and lid. Trust me, this is going to get much worse before it gets better. I believe Im going to look like the dog that used to be on the Little Rascals.

Just starting to spread to the bottom now. I didnt think it could be possible but yes, now Im even uglier.
That's one ugly bump there Wade. Lucky thing it hit your forehead and not the eye directly. That could have been way worse. Speedy healing to you friend.....
I was wearing safety glasses but was looking down at the moment so it basically hit me lower then where the glasses cover. Wonder what the glasses would look like if I was looking up and if they would have shattered as it really hit me with some serious force. Ive seen a few shoot out of there before and they have traveled about 45' where it would hit a stationary tool and still make a big bang.
It doesnt really hurt that much except for the headache thats still quite strong and it hurts to look very close at something like when the doctor made me follow her finger all around and then brought in in very close and i almost jumped when I tried to follow it in.
Get your mind out of the gutter OIL!
It was not a rectal exam!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by: wade
Dang Wade!!!!!

I have eye shadow that color!!!! Hope it isn't painful!!!

RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
Wade -

About five years ago I got hit from behind by a bicyclist. I was out for my noon-time run through Georgetown down to teh National Mall, I got about halfway across Memorial Bridge when a tourist on a rented bicycle nailed me. I fell on my face, my sunglasses smashed into my eyebrow and left a gash just like yours. I went to the emergency room with blood running down my face, the Nurse at the reception desk says, "How can we help you?" I thought it was rather obvious. After sitting in the waiting room for about an hour, I went back to the desk and asked if I could have something to keep the blood off the furniture, they decided to sew me up right away, seven stitches.
Good one, skinny!

My Able Assistant just got his wisdom teeth removed and his friend told him a story about when his were removed, he went home groggy and his Mom put him to bed. He said he woke up in the middle of the afternoon with a mouth full of blood and the sheets soaked in the red stuff! He got up, mumbled "MMmomm!" and went to his door and started down the stairs, but passed out after about two steps, TUMBLED down the stairs and was out for at least enough time that he bled all over the carpet. His Mom came in, looked at him, the blood, and the bloody trail down the stairs and said (drumroll...) "Are you okay???"
Great stories and thats the reason I posted this as its minuscule but knew that it would grow into a "Blue Collar Comedy" thats nothing check this out!
I must say that it almost all the way around now, another day or 2 and Ill have the full blown shiner!
wade wade wade

maybe you could wear a clear tube with just cutouts for your hands and arms - maybe made out of kevlar or ?

heal fast, my friend, andI hope your headache is gone gone gone

