Following up on this one. Mine sucks. Really. I'm not sure what the issue is. As stated in my previous post, the must was wonderfully floral and bright on the nose. Drinking it is like a mouthful of acid with very little flavor and almost no nose. I'm thinking I may have run an insanely strong KMeta solution through my filter before I filtered this and what I'm getting is more sulfite than acid. But I'm not getting much, if any sulfite on the nose. I bottled this over a year ago - pretty much followed the directions, aside from the filtering. It is my worst white wine by a long shot and really barely drinkable in my opinion. Anyone else make this? I opened a bottle last night and had about a glass and a half, then just put a stopper in it and threw it in the fridge, thinking some air overnight would help. It didn't. What are your thoughts? I'm thinking user error, but would like some other opinions.