I racked off my Apfeilwine today to my secondary. I wanted to try out a cinnamon stick so I racked off part of it to a 1-gal. jug. I started my primary in a 6-gal. carboy. After racking to my 5-gal. carboy i`m now about 2-gal. shy of the top. Sould I be concerned with topping it off or will everything be o.k. The fermintation seems to be at a hault after 4 weeks but I added Potassium Sorbate to be sure. I also did a taste sample to check and see if it needed sweetened and although it is dry it`s not too bad at all. I had planned to sweeten with the same apple juice I started with but i`m not sure if adding 2-gal. will be too much or not. So any ideas will be greatly appreciated.