V Vessel

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Senior Member
May 10, 2011
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has any one ever seen or used one of these.
looks pretty neat .... George you should look into these and see how they work.

six gallons and all the sediment is supposed to go down into the detachable bubble at the bottom so you dont have to rack you just take it off and clean it out.
I think its a great idea and love the design, but there is no way I would pay $200 for that thing! I can get a pretty darn clean rack using a $25 primary and then dump the leftover sediment into a 3L sep funnel and do the exact same thing for less than $50 total in equipment.
I'm sure that George has looked at these, they've been aroundfor 4-5 years minimum. There were some pictures of them in use at a Ferment on Premises. I guess they are quite labour saving for that business. But you would have to design your wine making area to hold them.

They are mainly used for beer making as you can save the yeast cake very nicely and in beer making used yeast is very good to use again and again and you can save some serious $ as beer yeast can run almost $12 for each batch!!!

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