Vinbrite filter experiences?

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The only time Ive ever had floaters in my wines wfter using this was when my pad ripped. Maybe I got a real good one? The best is to get a real filter though.
These aren't "floaters" per say. They are tiny pieces of fiber from the filter. They are suspended in the wine. You can see them if you hold it up to the light. I have not seen them since switching to the whole house filter setup.
That's my white wine issue. About 6 to 12 fibers/particles drifting throughout. My red probably has the same but I cannot see it. What I do see is a distinct white mass/floater floating on top of the wine. I refiltered and rebottled and recorked Sunday and today its there again. Corks? Filters? I'm ready to give up. Heck of a thing to come this far and not be able to present a clean product. If I knew the hundreds of dollars, that became the thousands, I put into this hobby since last year would still leave me short of a presentable product I don't think I would travel this same road. Sorry to be a bummer.

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