Vincent's Pizza

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Chronologically Gifted Member
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Jan 29, 2011
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Central Ohio
For all you Pittsburghers out there, how many of you had been to Vincent's Pizza? I don't know if you are aware, but the place is closing due to a sheriff's sale and I think this is a real "American tragedy." I started going to Vincent's in the mid 1950's when I was a kid in grade school. I have nothing but wonderful memories of Vince and his establishment. It is without a doubt the best pizza that I have ever had. Anyone else remember it?
Vincents at Ardmore Blvd had the best Pizza in the city, was a favorite hangout of mine about 50 some years ago....... Used to loaf in Regent Square out of High School & that was a favorite spot to go along with Red Whites Cafe....
WOW, long time ago......

Steve, the story I saw from the P-G showed the shop on Ardmore Blvd. I think that Vince's family licensed the name out and there were one or two other sites.

Al, did you spend any time at The Derby Bar in Regent Square? It was one of my favorite places when I was just out of high school. I always appreciated that they were not overly concerned with trivialities like age proofing and such. :)

The Derby was another great place, I believe the bartender there was Phil at the time. Neither place would card us, said they new we would be drinking somewhere & if we drank at there place, they would keep an eye on us. Wouldn't happen today, with the strick laws & all the crazies out there.

You are right, Al. Phil (Fusco) was a second cousin of mine. We did not go there to get wasted, just for a few beers and a sandwich. No harm, no foul. What high school did you attend? We must have been about the same class (Edgewood Class of '60) because I had my 50th Reunion 2 years ago.
Alderdice in "57", some frriends from the square also went there, thats how I started hanging out there. LIved in Greenfield all my life......

Al, did you play football for T-A? I remember an incident where one of your guys (I think his name was something like "Toughy" Ganz) smashed "Red" Donohue of Wilkinsburg High in the face after Donohue scored on a 70 yard pass play on the first play of the game. I was there and I think it was either in '55 or '56.

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