Mosti Mondiale Vinefera Noble Kits

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The Vin Noble kits do seem to have a very active fermentation. I just started my first which is the Zinfandel Blush. I have never gotten the amount of foaming with a similar size WE kit. The Mosti kits also seem to be very fast fermenters. The AJ Shiraz and the VN Zinfandel Blush have both come with Lalvin EC-1118 yeast and they have had to go from Primary to Secondary in 3 days. Is that normal?
I've only done one so far, but since you rack at a higher S.G. thanI've seenwith other kits, 3 days doesn't sound very strange at all. It would alsobe affectedby your starting S.G. I haven't done the Zinfandel Blush, but I ordered one last week. I got an e-mail from George that it was out of stock
but he's getting more tomorrow will hopefully be on its way here soon.
The Gamay I started is already clearing nicely. I racked that at a tad over 1.020 and I do believe it was on the 3rd day. Starting S.G. was about 1.090 or just a tad under.
Temps will also make for a faster fermentation and so will a strongr yeast count.
Bottled my Vin Noble Sangiovese today....Nice body to the wine, but still young tasting....I hope some time in the bottle will open up the flavors,,,it did have 6 weeks of bulk ageing...Time well tell..
Opened my first bottle of the Vin Noble Sangioese tonight...About all I can say is very nice for a 10 L. kit....Very nice indeed...nice smell [rich smelling], nice taste and a very nice after taste.........There will be more of these kits for me...Thanks George for the heads up on these kits..

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