Vineyard Rodent Control

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Apr 23, 2022
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Hi Everyone,

I've been growing grapes for 11 seasons now and harvesting for 5. Every year it's a new existential crisis. 3 years ago it was bird damage, so I invested in bird netting. Last year Hurricane Hillary came through California in early September as a tropical storm and drenched my almost ripe grapes, splitting the berries and causing a ton of rot, not much I could do about that, but the birds were at least under control. This year, it's been a dry summer (knock on wood) and the birds are under control, but now something has been coming in the middle of the night every night, tearing into my Zinfandel which is only at 20 brix right now. Not only is it destroying the berries, but it's also chewing through the bird netting leaving huge holes.

After some trial and error with various traps, I've caught a variety of at least 2 species of mice and one large rat who was responsible for the net damage as the mice fit right through it. Currently I'm utilizing glue traps and snap traps with fresh zinfandel berries on them each night. I'm only catching on average one or two rodents per night, and the rest just head right up on the vine and start eating away. While I'd like to use poison as it's supposed to be the most effective, that is clearly not an option as they will poop and pee poison all over my grapes.

At this point I'm losing a couple of lbs of berries per night with an estimated yield of maybe 50 lbs as of today. Given that brix won't likely reach the target for zin for another 3 or 4 weeks, it's probably going to be a total loss at this rate unless I can get this under control.

Here's what I have tried:
- snap traps with zin berries as bait, of the 10 traps I have set only catched one or two mice per night
- glue traps, typically catches one rodent per night, sadly also catches lizards which is a bummer

Here's what I have not tried:
- Solar Ultrasonic Animal Repeller - not convinced this is going to do anything
- Mouse Rodent Repellent, 24Pcs - peppermint balls - I'm concerned this may leave a peppermint taste on my grapes if you hang these off the trunk at the base of the vine
- Tomcat Repellents Rodent Repellent Ready-to-Use, For Indoor and Outdoor Mouse and Rat Prevention - not sure if this is effective at all,aps,138&sr=8-6

Here's what is not an option:
- buying a cat, dog or snake and expecting it to live in vineyard
- poison, as it will end on my grapes and therefore in my wine

So with that, I'd love to hear what others have done to effectively combat this problem and salvage their grapes. Thanks in advance!


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Wow, I’ll stop complaining about my vineyard problems.

Where in CA are you?

Haha, yeah...never a dull moment after bud-break in my backyard vineyard, first it's various types of fungus, then it's birds, and now these little monsters.

Murrieta, the city just north of Temecula. We have great weather for growing grapes here, with the exception of last year. On a aside note, it's actually 109F outside today, but on average it's in the mid 90's during August and September, so hopefully this heatwave will speed up ripening so I can get these grapes into primary.
Hi Everyone,

I've been growing grapes for 11 seasons now and harvesting for 5. Every year it's a new existential crisis. 3 years ago it was bird damage, so I invested in bird netting. Last year Hurricane Hillary came through California in early September as a tropical storm and drenched my almost ripe grapes, splitting the berries and causing a ton of rot, not much I could do about that, but the birds were at least under control. This year, it's been a dry summer (knock on wood) and the birds are under control, but now something has been coming in the middle of the night every night, tearing into my Zinfandel which is only at 20 brix right now. Not only is it destroying the berries, but it's also chewing through the bird netting leaving huge holes.

After some trial and error with various traps, I've caught a variety of at least 2 species of mice and one large rat who was responsible for the net damage as the mice fit right through it. Currently I'm utilizing glue traps and snap traps with fresh zinfandel berries on them each night. I'm only catching on average one or two rodents per night, and the rest just head right up on the vine and start eating away. While I'd like to use poison as it's supposed to be the most effective, that is clearly not an option as they will poop and pee poison all over my grapes.

At this point I'm losing a couple of lbs of berries per night with an estimated yield of maybe 50 lbs as of today. Given that brix won't likely reach the target for zin for another 3 or 4 weeks, it's probably going to be a total loss at this rate unless I can get this under control.

Here's what I have tried:
- snap traps with zin berries as bait, of the 10 traps I have set only catched one or two mice per night
- glue traps, typically catches one rodent per night, sadly also catches lizards which is a bummer

Here's what I have not tried:
- Solar Ultrasonic Animal Repeller - not convinced this is going to do anything
- Mouse Rodent Repellent, 24Pcs - peppermint balls - I'm concerned this may leave a peppermint taste on my grapes if you hang these off the trunk at the base of the vine,aps,147&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
- Tomcat Repellents Rodent Repellent Ready-to-Use, For Indoor and Outdoor Mouse and Rat Prevention - not sure if this is effective at all,aps,138&sr=8-6

Here's what is not an option:
- buying a cat, dog or snake and expecting it to live in vineyard
- poison, as it will end on my grapes and therefore in my wine

So with that, I'd love to hear what others have done to effectively combat this problem and salvage their grapes. Thanks in advance!
Try the I know several people that swear that it actually works. one of which is our local garden show expert.
Try the I know several people that swear that it actually works. one of which is our local garden show expert.
Thanks for the link, but I do have the ground squirrel population fully under control by the end of July using this bad boy:

Tube Trap Squirrel Trap (Rust-Resistant -USA Made)​

I just close off all their entry points into my yard except one and place this trap on it daily.

Although I do see there is the Ratinator trap on that site, so that may be an option. Also not sure if it would hold the little mice I'm getting as well.
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Thanks for the link, but I do have the ground squirrel population fully under control by the end of July using this bad boy:

Tube Trap Squirrel Trap (Rust-Resistant -USA Made)​

I just close off all their entry points into my yard except one and place this trap on it daily.

Although I do see there is the Ratinator trap on that site, so that may be an option. Also not sure if it would hold the little mice I'm getting as well.
Mine climb down from the trees, over fences, chew through the bird netting, etc. And my dogs??? yawn, or wanna play ball? Ball, ball, ball, ball, ball..... ad nauseum.. of course a good CO2 Pellet gun works great ifI am sitting in the back yard!
Mine climb down from the trees, over fences, chew through the bird netting, etc. And my dogs??? yawn, or wanna play ball? Ball, ball, ball, ball, ball..... ad nauseum.. of course a good CO2 Pellet gun works great ifI am sitting in the back yard!

I have seen the ground squirrels climb over the fence from my neighbors house, but for the most part they've never really learned to stop coming through the one burrow hole I leave open, which has been great for me. I suppose they like the minimum effort approach when seeking food in my yard, to their own demise.
Hi Everyone,

I've been growing grapes for 11 seasons now and harvesting for 5. Every year it's a new existential crisis. 3 years ago it was bird damage, so I invested in bird netting. Last year Hurricane Hillary came through California in early September as a tropical storm and drenched my almost ripe grapes, splitting the berries and causing a ton of rot, not much I could do about that, but the birds were at least under control. This year, it's been a dry summer (knock on wood) and the birds are under control, but now something has been coming in the middle of the night every night, tearing into my Zinfandel which is only at 20 brix right now. Not only is it destroying the berries, but it's also chewing through the bird netting leaving huge holes.

After some trial and error with various traps, I've caught a variety of at least 2 species of mice and one large rat who was responsible for the net damage as the mice fit right through it. Currently I'm utilizing glue traps and snap traps with fresh zinfandel berries on them each night. I'm only catching on average one or two rodents per night, and the rest just head right up on the vine and start eating away. While I'd like to use poison as it's supposed to be the most effective, that is clearly not an option as they will poop and pee poison all over my grapes.

At this point I'm losing a couple of lbs of berries per night with an estimated yield of maybe 50 lbs as of today. Given that brix won't likely reach the target for zin for another 3 or 4 weeks, it's probably going to be a total loss at this rate unless I can get this under control.

Here's what I have tried:
- snap traps with zin berries as bait, of the 10 traps I have set only catched one or two mice per night
- glue traps, typically catches one rodent per night, sadly also catches lizards which is a bummer

Here's what I have not tried:
- Solar Ultrasonic Animal Repeller - not convinced this is going to do anything
- Mouse Rodent Repellent, 24Pcs - peppermint balls - I'm concerned this may leave a peppermint taste on my grapes if you hang these off the trunk at the base of the vine,aps,147&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
- Tomcat Repellents Rodent Repellent Ready-to-Use, For Indoor and Outdoor Mouse and Rat Prevention - not sure if this is effective at all,aps,138&sr=8-6

Here's what is not an option:
- buying a cat, dog or snake and expecting it to live in vineyard
- poison, as it will end on my grapes and therefore in my wine

So with that, I'd love to hear what others have done to effectively combat this problem and salvage their grapes. Thanks in advance!
strobe light with ultrasonic on an autotimer. Probably racoons who will feel like they are on Ayuhuasca at a disco. Try it I used it on corn.
strobe light with ultrasonic on an autotimer. Probably racoons who will feel like they are on Ayuhuasca at a disco. Try it I used it on corn.

Thanks for the suggestion, I found these which seem to have good reviews and it does mention rats. Although it says to remove any tempting food sources... which is exactly what I cannot do.

Any thoughts on this device before I pull the trigger?
We just have lots of the world’s most deadly snakes. Seems to take care of the rodent problems, just keep a shovel handy and don’t go picking up large objects off the ground in summer.

Fortunately I don't have much snake activity in my yard, I've only had 2 snakes back there in the 11 years I've lived here and I killed them quickly because I have small children. That said, the first was a coachwhip racer and the second was a gopher snake, so in all honestly they aren't venomous and I should have left them alone. I'm willing to bed now with this exploding rodent population feeding on my vines I'm gonna get some more snake activity soon, hopefully not rattlers though.
Snap trap with the big yellow plastic trigger plate and baited with red twizzlers.
Interesting, I'll give that a shot, they seem to prefer the grapes off the vine as opposed to the grapes I bait the trap with, so it would be nice to have something more appetizing to them.
The challenge with these is that there's always a bunch of negative reviews about it not working, so I was hoping for some tried and true advice from the forum members here, as amazon's reviews are just unreliable.
I've used ultrasonic strobes to successfully keep raccoons out of my corn. Raccoons love corn. So anything that is an outdoor ultrasonic strobe on a timer should work. Raccoons feed at night. It feels like you have raccoons.