Other Vino Moscato modificatons

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Senior Member
May 11, 2011
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I should receive this kit today & would like to play around with it.

Per Angelina's suggestion I re-read the thread by joeswines about using zest. & i'm also interested in the thomson seedless grapes or possibly using rasins?

Could someone give me suggestions on how to merge the following into the kit?
thanks, Brian

coppied from : "when god wines gone bad" thread.


wolfman....never to late a good comp for whites is the zest of 2 oranges ,2 lemons,2 grapefruit,,,,perfect to bring out the brightness in a white wine...............if you wanted to add body its never to late buy 3to 4 lbs of thompson seedless grapes hand squeeze them and place them as they are in the wine ,let them infuse into the wine 2/3 weeks remove and add the finishing chems.and refinding agent.......better body... or better yet golden raisins for 2/3 weeks the finish wine as always..
After a bit of reading, I'm still a bit unsure of the process. Do the raisens & zest go into the primary or secondary? In some reading it seems like secondary, but I don't see adding 2 lbs of raisens into a Carboy?

Thanks. That sounds like a plan.

2 pounds golden raisnes in primary
Zest of 2 oranges, 2 lemons & 2 grapefruit in secondary or maybe after step 3 of the kits instructions.
I'll also be making closer to 5 gal than 6. Just depends on sg

So here's where I'm at: made the batch. Added 2, 15oz boxes of golden raisins tried to cut them up. But, it was a little difficult, so most were just whole. Left these in primary. Stirred often. After about 4 days I scrubbed my hands for a while & soaked them in kmeta & squeezed the raisins(which turned back to grapes- swollen). About day 7 I racked. Got a lot of raisin pieces through the tube. Few days later racked again - because it would fit into a 5 & I needed the 6 for another batch. Added the zest. 2 lemons, oranges & grapefruit. The oranges were hard to get just zest & I got a lot of peelings.

So, that's where I am. When I move on to step 3 in another week & a half I'll rack off of all the solids I can. Then probably need to rack multiple times over the next few weeks to get the solids out.

Question about this kit

So, I'm making this kit. Modifications were adding golden raisens up front, zest of 2 lemons, 2 grapefruti & 2 oranges during secondary.

Checked SG tonight & is was .991. Ok, kit says .990-.998

I don't drink moscato, but I thought is was a very sweet wine. There is no flavorpack. everything is in.

Am i suppose to sweeten to taste when it's done? I'll read the directions again, but I assumend there would be a flavorpack to add back sweetness once the wine fermented out dry.


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